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Question 1

Fill out and submit the following form.
If you're having trouble with the form, try and submit it from the Ryerson MacLab.

Question 2

Use a search engine or a portal to find the answers to the following questions. Some of the answers are best found using a portal and others using a search engine.

For each successful search, record your query phrase and the URL where you actually found the answer. Turn this in on paper, with your name & section number on each page.

Note: Staples are available in the MacLab. Don't hand in unstapled copies.

  • Find the complete text of Shelley's poem To a Skylark on the web.

  • For each of the following phrases, find as many references as you possibly can to the phrase in works of art (books, movies, operas, paintings, works of music, plays, TV shows.)
    Note that there might be more than one book, movie, etc for many of them. Try and find as many as you can. The phrase can occur in the title of the work or even inside it.
    • Murder most foul
    • Raft of Medusa
    • Turn of the Screw

  • Find a page that has a list of complete works of the composer Igor Stravinsky.

  • Find the cheapest copy of Arundhati Roy's God of Small Things (book.)

Question 3

Create a directory called html on your CS account and set up a basic webpage for yourself. The name of the file must be index.html. Your webpage should contain your name and contact information (address, email, etc.)