Hypernews forums have been added for each section, and we want you to
use these as your first resource for the class. Try to check them at
least once each class day and once on the weekend.
Before you jump right in, try posting to the general Testing Area.
Once you have the hang of it, you can post questions about assignments
and administrative issues (class-wide, not personal) in the General
Discussion area for your section. Please check the recent postings
before you ask a question: it may already be there. Section
instructors will monitor and respond to questions but it's important
that you use this opportunity to help out fellow students. inc
We have also included a Course Review area, where you can post
comments on things you would like covered, concerns about your course
and how it is being taught. These posts can (and probably should) be
anonymous...just don't add any real information. We will take these
posts into consideration as the course progresses, and try our best to
handle unexpected issues and needs as they arise in each section.