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Study Abroad Programs | Summer International Travel Grants
UChicago Study Abroad encourages students to expand their education through diverse intellectual perspectives, active participation in a new culture, and critical, firsthand engagement with local and global challenges. Chicago's distinctive range of faculty-led programming blends the academic rigor and spirit of intellectual curiosity that is central to the College curriculum with the University's wide-reaching international mission.
With the exception of the Paris autumn Civilizations in French program (two years of French required) and the Barcelona spring Civilizations in Spanish program (two years of Spanish required), these programs have no language prerequisite. All programs offer the opportunity for both novice and experienced speakers to work on language skills.
Students who wish to study abroad should attend relevant information meetings. Students should discuss their plans with their College adviser to determine the implications of study abroad for their degree program in Chicago. They should then visit the Study Abroad Advising Office to consult with Dana Currier (HM 216, 702.6258), Lewis Fortner (HM 213, 702.4858), Juliana Gaither (HM 209, 702.0991), or Elana Kranz (HM 216, 834.5424) about the application process. For more information, including the most current list of program locations, visit study-abroad.uchicago.edu .
Students participating in some study abroad programs (e.g., direct enrollment programs) are not eligible for the Dean's List for that year. Please note that more than half of the requirements for a major must be met by registering for courses bearing University of Chicago course numbers.
Foreign Language Acquisition Grants (FLAG) and research grants are part of the Summer International Travel Grant (SITG) award program. These awards are designed to defray many of the expenses associated with summer language study and academic research abroad. Visit study-abroad.uchicago.edu/sitg to obtain the application for the FLAG and research grants. Applications must be completed online by the appropriate deadline.
To be considered for FLAG funding, applicants must have completed or tested out of the 10300 level of the target language by their program's start date. They must also plan to enroll in an intermediate or advanced intensive language program abroad that is at least eight weeks in duration, at least fifteen hours of study a week, and located in a setting where the language is predominately spoken. If a language is not offered on campus, applicants may apply at any level. Students should visit study-abroad.uchicago.edu/sitg for more information, including access to a database of language schools where previous FLAG recipients have studied. Students should also contact language departments to identify appropriate programs. Students planning to enroll in the University of Chicago's Summer Paris Program, the Center in Beijing's Summer Chinese Program, and the Guanajuato Summer Program are eligible for FLAG funding and are encouraged to apply.
Numerous other grants are available to support research that is conducted outside the United States. Many of these grants are intended to support research that will lead to the completion of a bachelor's thesis. Proposals for other international academic projects and for research that is not related to a bachelor's thesis may also be considered.