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© 2012 The University of Chicago,
5801 South Ellis Ave. Chicago, IL 60637
© 2012 The University of Chicago,
5801 South Ellis Ave. Chicago, IL 60637
Catalog Home › The College › Research Opportunities
The University of Chicago offers numerous opportunities for students to engage in research. Students in the College should visit the Fellowships, Research Opportunities, Grants, and More (FROGS) website at frogs.uchicago.edu for a partial listing of opportunities. Students can also obtain information from departments about working with faculty members on research projects or in laboratories. In addition, departments may be able to provide details on funded opportunities for student research within specific fields. Students should also look at the opportunities available through Chicago Careers in Higher Education (CCIHE), which can be accessed at caps.uchicago.edu/cci/higher_education.shtml .