For this lab, you are welcome to get technical help from another student on how to use or install any of the tools involved. You may also get syntax help on C. You may not, however, get help on the algorithmic portion of the exercise outside of office hours or piazza questions to TAs or instructors.
This lab is broken down into several steps:Remember to turn in your completed lab1 questions when you first arrive your own CNet ID in place of CNET. To check out the repository to your current location:
$ svn checkout
This will give you a working directory that you can commit to, storing it for retrieval from any location. This is for much more than submitting your assignment - this is for backing it up for your own use so you don't lose important progress!
Now set up your working directory. I will not give this level of directions every lab - this is just to remind you of the unix commands that accomplish these tasks. You may refer back to this lab if you forget in the future.
$ cd CNET-cs152-win-19 $ mkdir hw1 $ svn add hw1 $ cd hw1
We expect you to use vim (for editing) and clang (for compiling) this quarter, though there are many other tools available for code editing and C compilation. These two have the virtue of working entirely from the console. Among other desirable properties, this makes it painless to work on the CS network using vim and clang from a remote computer (such as your laptop, in your room, on a freezing winter night).
If, instead, you have another editor you want to use that is available on virtually every linux / unix systems then you may do that. It may not pop up its own window - it must work within the terminal window.
Here are a few words about each of these applications.
Vim stands for "vi improved" and is an updated
(though not recently) version of the classic
editor vi. Vi (when you say this out loud, you say
both letters individually:
Vi has a modal interface, which is to say it has various modes you can be in (or not in) at any given moment. When you start vi, you are in command mode. To edit text, you need to switch to insert mode. You switch to insert mode by typing i, and you switch to command mode by typing the esc key.
You issue commands in command mode by typing a colon (:) and then one or more characters naming the command; for example, :q quits vi and :w writes the current file to disk (think of :w as "save").
At some point this week, but not during this lab period, you should go through vimtutor. This will take about 30 minutes and will give you practice with an assortment of vi tools and techniques. You can do so by opening a terminal and typing vimtutor. Today, you may use the editor of your choice.
In order to practice editing and compiling, let's copy and
paste warmup1.c into a new file with vim. First, bring up
the code warmup1.c in your browser by
clicking on the link.
Open a new file named warmup1.c in your terminal window.
$ vi warmup1.c
You will compile your programs using clang, a popular open-source C compiler that ships with current Apple computers, like those we have in CSIL, and is furthermore available for free installation on other platforms.
Your program has one file - warmup1.c
If a program has only one file, the compile line is the following:
$ clang warmup1.cSometimes, this is not the case. When there are multiple files, you have two choices - compile each part individually and combine at the end or compile in one step.
$ clang functions.c main.c
$ clang -c functions.c $ clang -c main.c $ clang functions.o main.o
If the compilation is successful, you'll see nothing at the terminal, but the compiler will have created an executable file named a.out. You can run the executable by typing ./a.out. This is an example of "no news is good news." Any errors will be reported to you. Success is reported as silence.
You can specify a different filename for the executable, other than the default name a.out, with the -o flag as follows:
$ clang -o go warmup1.c
and then run it with ./go.
If your program includes math.h, depending on the system you're working on, you might need to include the compiler flag -lm to link in the math library. This flag appears as another option to the compile command, like so:
$ clang -lm -o go warmup1.c
Since -lm is sometimes necessary and never harmful, you
should make a habit of compiling with it whenever math.h is
part of your program.
You can give command-line arguments to clang in standard UNIX style. We will spruce up the call to clang in this case to do two things: first, to be aggressive about warning the programmer about potential problems in the code, and second, to name the executable something other than the standard a.out. Try this command:
The option -Wall means "all warnings." You will come to appreciate these warnings; they save you a lot of time and toil.$ clang -Wall -o testprogram warmup1.c
There is a compilation tool make that looks for a file named Makefile containing compilation instructions. You will now create a Makefile containing instructions on compiling the evidence tool in progress. Create Makefile and write the following into it:
The first line contains a target (testprogram) and dependencies (warmup1.c). If any of those files are newer than the executable, then it will recompile. If not, it leaves it as is. The second line contains the compile line. Please note that on the second line (after the line that starts with testprogram:), the first character is a TAB: exactly one of them. This is important; the Makefile is not well-formed without it. Having created this Makefile, you can now compile the "testprogram" executable by simply typingtestprogram: warmup1.c clang -Wall -o testprogram warmup1.c
Try it!$ make testprogram $ ./testprogram
Make is a language-agnostic tool; it doesn't care if it's compiling C, Java or anything else. It has many more capabilities than we will discuss today or even this quarter. It is a powerful assistant in software development of all stripes. The more code you write, the more you will have occasion to use and appreciate it.
Once you have compiled your code, you are ready to test it through running it. If you did not name it anything special, then you will run it with:
$ ./a.out
If you named your executable testprogram, then you run it with:
$ ./testprogram
To stop a program that is running for too long, because of an infinite loop or for any other reason, type Ctrl-c in the terminal.
Once you start executing, you may find that one of your test cases has a result that does not match the expected result. You are now ready to move on to debugging. Think of debugging as an investigation. Let's say you lost your keys. You know you had your keys this morning, and now, 8 hours later, you notice you do not have your keys. The beginning and end is not enough information. You need to figure out all the places you went in order to think about where those keys might be. Likewise, with bugs, you need more information than the beginning and the end. You need to think about what the expected result is partway through the execution of the program, and then see if it is that result there (with a print statement). You can, in essence, use a binary search of your code to find your bug. Print out intermediate results during the program, and gradually narrow down when the execution goes differently than you thought it should.
Sometimes, the bug is within a single line of code that has several operations in it. If that is the case, then you need to break up that line of code and store the different steps into temporary variables, printing out each partial result.
Note that warmup1.c DOES have bugs. And if you don't spot them, you'll need to break up a line into parts to see what it does. There is currently only one bug. Once you start running it, you'll see, and you'll need to track down where the problems are.
When you are done, save the file. Then add it to your svn repository. This would be a good time to commit your work!
If you're lucky, you haven't hit any compile errors yet. However, if and when you do, you'll see that they are a bit cryptic at times. In order to familiarize yourself with some common error messages, you're going to intentionally introduce errors and then see what error messages result from them.
Before you start, copy your working files to new filenames so you don't ruin your working files.
You're going to be filling in a file. Make sure you do the following:$ cp warmup1.c errorwarmup.c
This creates an empty file named errors.txt and then adds it to the repository. This way, you won't forget to add it!$ touch errors.txt $ svn add errors.txt
Copy and paste the following list into a file named errors.txt. For each problem, it first tells you what error to introduce into one of the files. Once you do this, compile the code again. Remember to use these files names - errormain.c and errorfunctions.c. Then copy and paste the error message into the file on the line starting with #). Then correct the code before moving to the next one.
$ svn commit -m "finished errors.txt"
$ svn add hw1
$ svn add warmup1.c Makefile errors.txt
$ svn commit -m "hw1 warmup complete"