Programming assignments¶
Late submissions¶
All students may use up to two 24-hour extensions for the programming assignments during the quarter. These extensions are all-or-nothing: you cannot use a portion of an extension and have the rest “carry over” to another extension. If extraordinary circumstances (illness, family emergency, etc.) prevent a student from meeting a deadline, the student must inform their instructor before the deadline. After the available extensions are exhausted, no further late work will be accepted.
Assignment descriptions¶
PA #1: Autocomplete (Due: Friday, January 22, 4pm)
PA #2: Course Search Engine: Crawling the catalog (Due: Friday, January 29, 4pm)
PA #3: Course Search Engine: Backend (Due: Friday, February 12, 4pm)
PA #4: Record Linkage (Due: Friday, February 26, 4pm)
PA #5: “The Markovian Candidate”: Speaker Attribution Using Markov Models (Due: Friday, March 5th, 4pm)