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© 2012 The University of Chicago,
5801 South Ellis Ave. Chicago, IL 60637
Catalog Home › The College › Joint Degree Programs › Joint BA/MA Degree in SSA
The School of Social Service Administration (SSA) offers students an opportunity to begin their professional training while still in the College. Qualified students who wish to pursue a joint MA degree in Social Service Administration should consult with the BA/MA adviser in the College and with the director of admissions at SSA early in their third year. They are expected to have a GPA of 3.25 or higher and to have completed their general education requirements. To be admitted to the joint program, students must have no more than two courses remaining in their College major program. Those two courses may be taken in the autumn and winter quarters of the fourth year.
Students should be aware that they will be taking nine courses in their fourth year: four SSA core courses; three additional SSA courses, which must fulfill content requirements within the SSA core curriculum; and two electives. These electives may be counted toward the College major with the approval of the director of undergraduate studies in the major. Students will also work in a field placement.
BA/MA students enter joint residence status during the three quarters prior to the anticipated date of College graduation, during which time they will be charged tuition at SSA's graduate rates.