The College Catalog
The University of Chicago

Comparative Human Development

This is an archived copy of the 2012-13 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

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Contacts | Program of Study | Program Requirements | Courses


Undergraduate Primary Contact

Co-chair John Lucy
HD S 303

Co-chair Jill Mateo
HD N 103

Administrative Contact

Departmental Contact Janie Lardner
HD 102


Program of Study

The program in Comparative Human Development (CHDV) focuses on the study of persons over the course of life; on the social, cultural, biological, and psychological processes that jointly influence development; and on growth over time in different social and cultural settings. The study of human development also offers a unique lens through which we consider broad questions of the social sciences, like the processes and impacts of social change, and the interactions of biology and culture. Faculty members in Comparative Human Development with diverse backgrounds in anthropology, biology, psychology, and sociology conduct research on topics that include (but are not limited to): the social and phenomenological experience of mental illness; the impact of socioeconomic context on growth and development; the influence of social interaction on biological functioning; the tensions inherent in living in multicultural societies; the experience and development of psychotherapists in Western and non-Western countries; and the ways in which youth in developing countries are forging new conceptions of adulthood. Given this interdisciplinary scope, the program in Comparative Human Development provides an excellent preparation for students interested in advanced postgraduate study at the frontiers of several social science disciplines, or in careers and professions that require a broad and integrated understanding of human experience and behavior—e.g., mental health, education, social work, health care, or human resource and organizational work in community or corporate settings.


The first point of contact for undergraduates is the preceptor, so students should contact the preceptor before contacting the undergraduate program chair.

Electronic Communication

Upon declaring a Comparative Human Development major, undergraduates should promptly join the department undergraduate email listserv to receive important announcements. Students request to join the listserv by logging in with their CNet ID at and subscribing to

Program Requirements

The undergraduate program in Comparative Human Development has the following components:

Core Courses

A two-quarter introductory sequence in Comparative Human Development should be completed prior to the Spring Quarter of a student’s third year. CHDV 20000 Introduction to Human Development focuses on theories of development, with particular reference to the development of the self in a social and cultural context. CHDV 20100 Human Development/Research Designs in Social Sciences focuses on modes of research and inquiry in human development, including basic concepts of research design and different methods used in studying human development (e.g., ethnography, experiments, surveys, discourse analysis, narrative inquiry, and animal models). Consideration is given to the advantages and limitations of each approach in answering particular questions concerning person and culture.


Students must register for one quantitative or one qualitative Methods course (designated in the list of Courses with the letter “M”) or one research methods (or statistics) course in a related department (with the consent of the CHDV program chair; the Methods petition is required for courses outside of Comparative Human Development with the exception of STAT 20000 and PSYC 20100, which do not need a petition to count for a Methods requirement).


Students must take one course in each of three of the four areas below. These three courses must be taught within the Department of Comparative Human Development and must be designated as fulfilling the particular distribution requirement. (Examples of topics within each area are listed.)

A. Comparative Behavioral Biology: includes courses on the biopsychology of attachment, evolutionary social psychology, evolution of parenting, biological psychology, primate behavior and ecology, behavioral endocrinology

B. Life Course Development: includes courses on developmental psychology; introduction to language development; psychoanalysis and child development; development through the life-course; the role of early experience in development; sexual identity; life-course and life story; adolescence, adulthood, and aging; the study of lives

C. Culture and Community: includes courses on cultural psychology; psychological anthropology; social psychology; cross-cultural child development; language, culture, and thought; language socialization; psychiatric and psychodynamic anthropology; memory and culture

D. Mental Health and Personality: includes courses on personality theory and research; social and cultural foundations of mental health; modern psychotherapies; psychology of well-being; conflict understanding and resolution; core concepts and current directions in psychopathology; emotion, mind, and rationality; body image in health and disorder; advanced concepts in psychoanalysis


Students must take three additional courses in one of the three areas they have chosen in their distribution requirement (for a total of four courses in one area). Two of the four courses in one's specialization must be offered within the Department of Comparative Human Development. A student must petition for a course to count toward his or her specialization if the course is not already designated as fulfilling that specialization, or for any course offered outside the Department of Comparative Human Development.


A student must choose three additional courses in Comparative Human Development, or in a related discipline with prior approval of the CHDV program chair (petition required).


Students may petition for non-CHDV courses to count toward the Methods, Specialization, and Electives requirements. Petitions are not allowed for the Core Courses or Distribution requirements. A maximum of four petitions is allowed, unless one of these is for the Methods requirement, in which case a maximum of five petitions will be allowed. Only university courses at the University of Chicago or study abroad may be petitioned for CHDV requirements; no other form of credit (including Advanced Placement) is allowed. Petitions should be turned in before the quarter in which the student would like to take the course. At the latest, the petitions must be turned in by end of the first week of the quarter in which the student is taking the course. All petitions must have a copy of the course syllabus attached.

BA Honors Guidelines

Students with qualifying GPAs may seek to graduate with honors by successfully completing a BA honors paper that reflects scholarly proficiency in an area of study within Comparative Human Development. To receive departmental honors upon graduation, students (1) must have attained a cumulative overall GPA of 3.25 or higher and a major GPA higher than 3.5 by the end of the quarter prior to the quarter of graduation, and (2) must have completed a meritorious BA honors paper under the supervision of a CHDV faculty member and received a high grade. Students who seek departmental honors must complete CHDV 29800 BA Honors Seminar and then must register for CHDV 29900 Honors Paper Preparation with a CHDV faculty member who agrees to supervise their honors paper. The paper should be 30 to 40 pages in length, reflect original research of an empirical, scholarly, or theoretical nature, and must be rated as worthy of honors by the student’s CHDV faculty supervisor and a qualified second reader (typically another faculty member).

Permission to undertake a BA honors paper will be granted by the CHDV undergraduate chair to students who (1) have successfully completed the BA Honors Seminar and (2) have filed a properly completed BA Honors Paper Proposal Form with the departmental secretary in HD S 102 no later than tenth week of Spring Quarter of the third year.

BA Honors Seminar

The CHDV 29800 BA Honors Seminar aims to help qualified students formulate a suitable proposal and find a CHDV faculty supervisor. Qualified students who wish to seek departmental honors must register for the CHDV 29800 BA Honors Seminar during their third year. Permission to register for CHDV 29800 BA Honors Seminar will be granted to students with a GPA that, at the end of Winter Quarter of the third year, shows promise of meeting the standards set for honors by the end of Winter Quarter of the fourth year. This course is always offered during Spring Quarter and may be offered Winter Quarter as well (this is not guaranteed). This course must be taken for a quality grade and may be counted as one of the required electives.

Honors Paper Preparation Course

This tutorial course, CHDV 29900 Honors Paper Preparation, aims to help students successfully complete work on their BA honors paper. Students must register for the course with their CHDV faculty supervisor either in the Autumn or Winter Quarter of their fourth year, as a 13th required course. Students who have already undertaken a BA honors project who plan to study elsewhere during their fourth year must have prior approval from their CHDV faculty BA project supervisor and the CHDV undergraduate chair. The grade the BA honors paper receives will become the grade of record for CHDV 29900 Honors Paper Preparation.

BA Honors Paper for Dual Majors

In very special circumstances, students may be able to write a longer BA honors paper that meets the requirements for a dual major (with prior approval from the undergraduate program chairs in both departments). Students should consult with both chairs before the end of Spring Quarter of their third year. A consent form, available from the student’s College adviser, must be signed by both chairs and returned to the College adviser, with copies filed in both departmental offices, by the end of Autumn Quarter of the student’s graduation year.

Honors Paper Due Date

Honors papers are due by the end of fifth week of the quarter in which a student plans to graduate (typically in Spring Quarter).

Summary of Requirements*

CHDV 20000Introduction to Human Development100
CHDV 20100Human Development/Research Designs in Social Sciences100
1 methods course100
3 distribution courses300
3 additional courses as a specialization in one of the student's distribution areas300
3 electives300
Total Units1200


Students applying for departmental honors must also register for CHDV 29900 Honors Paper Preparation for a total of 1300 units (13 courses), but may count CHDV 29800 BA Honors Seminar as one of their three required program electives.


All courses required for the major in Comparative Human Development must be taken for quality grades.

Areas of Specialization

Areas of specialization described in the Program Requirements section above are indicated by boldfaced parentheses: (A) Comparative Behavioral Biology, (B) Developmental Perspectives, (C) Cultural Perspectives, (D) Mental Health Perspectives, and (M) Methods. See the Program Requirements section for course distribution requirements.


Comparative Human Development Courses

CHDV 20000. Introduction to Human Development. 100 Units.

This course introduces the study of lives in context. The nature of human development from infancy through old age is explored through theory and empirical findings from various disciplines. Readings and discussions emphasize the interrelations of biological, psychological, and sociocultural forces at different points of the life cycle. (R)

Instructor(s): Staff     Terms Offered: Autumn
Equivalent Course(s): PSYC 20850

CHDV 20100. Human Development/Research Designs in Social Sciences. 100 Units.

Core Course.

Instructor(s): Staff     Terms Offered: Winter

CHDV 20101. Applied Statistics in Human Development Research. 100 Units.

This course provides an introduction to quantitative methods of inquiry and a foundation for more advanced courses in applied statistics for students in social sciences with a focus on human development research. The course covers univariate and bivariate descriptive statistics, an introduction to statistical inference, t test, two-way contingency table, analysis of variance, and regression. All statistical concepts and methods will be illustrated with application studies in which we will consider the research questions, study design, analytical choices, validity of inferences, and reports of findings. The examples include (1) examining the relationship between home environment and child development and (2) evaluating the effectiveness of class size reduction for promoting student learning. At the end of the course, students should be able to define and use the descriptive and inferential statistics taught in this course to analyze data and to interpret the analytical results. Students will learn to use the SPSS software. No prior knowledge in statistics is assumed. (M)

Instructor(s): G. Hong     Terms Offered: Spring 2013
Prerequisite(s): High school algebra and probability are the only mathematical prerequisites.
Equivalent Course(s): CHDV 30101,HDCP 56050

CHDV 20207. Race, Ethnicity, and Human Development. 100 Units.

This course is based upon the premise that the study of human development is enhanced by examining the experiences of diverse groups, without one group standing as the "standard" against which others are compared and evaluated. Accordingly, this course provides an encompassing theoretical framework for examining the processes of human development for diverse humans, while also highlighting the critical role of context and culture. (C, B)

Instructor(s): M. Spencer     Terms Offered: Autumn 2013
Equivalent Course(s): CRES 20207

CHDV 20209. Adolescent Development. 100 Units.

Adolescence represents a period of unusually rapid growth and development. At the same time, under the best of social circumstances and contextual conditions, the teenage years represent a challenging period. The period also affords unparalleled opportunities with appropriate levels of support. Thus, the approach taken acknowledges the challenges and untoward outcomes, while also speculates about the predictors of resiliency and the sources of positive youth development. (B, D)

Instructor(s): M. Spencer     Terms Offered: Winter 2014

CHDV 20400. Intensive Study of a Culture: Lowland Maya History and Ethnography. 100 Units.

The survey encompasses the dynamics of first contact; long-term cultural accommodations achieved during colonial rule; disruptions introduced by state and market forces during the early postcolonial period; the status of indigenous communities in the twentieth century; and new social, economic, and political challenges being faced by the contemporary peoples of the area. We stress a variety of traditional theoretical concerns of the broader Mesoamerican region stressed (e.g., the validity of reconstructive ethnography; theories of agrarian community structure; religious revitalization movements; the constitution of such identity categories as indigenous, Mayan, and Yucatecan). In this respect, the course can serve as a general introduction to the anthropology of the region. The relevance of these area patterns for general anthropological debates about the nature of culture, history, identity, and social change are considered.

Instructor(s): J. Lucy     Terms Offered: Autumn

CHDV 21000. Cultural Psychology. 100 Units.

There is a substantial portion of the psychological nature of human beings that is neither homogeneous nor fixed across time and space. At the heart of the discipline of cultural psychology is the tenet of psychological pluralism. Research findings in cultural psychology raise provocative questions about the integrity and value of alternative forms of subjectivity across cultural groups. This course analyzes the concept of "culture" and examines ethnic and cross-cultural variations in mental functioning, with special attention to the cultural psychology of emotions, self, moral judgment, categorization, and reasoning. (C)

Instructor(s): R. Shweder     Terms Offered: Autumn 2013
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing.
Equivalent Course(s): ANTH 21510,CHDV 41050,GNDR 21001,PSYC 23000

CHDV 21401. Introduction to African Civilization II. 100 Units.

Part Two takes a more anthropological focus, concentrating on Eastern and Southern Africa, including Madagascar. We explore various aspects of colonial and postcolonial society. Topics covered include the institution of colonial rule, ethnicity and interethnic violence, ritual and the body, love, marriage, money, youth and popular culture.

Instructor(s): J. Cole     Terms Offered: Winter
Equivalent Course(s): HIST 10102,AFAM 20702,ANTH 20702,CRES 20702

CHDV 21500. Darwinian Health. 100 Units.

This course will use an evolutionary, rather than clinical, approach to understanding why we get sick. In particular, we will consider how health issues such as menstruation, senescence, pregnancy sickness, menopause, and diseases can be considered adaptations rather than pathologies. We will also discuss how our rapidly changing environments can reduce the benefits of these adaptations. (A)

Instructor(s): J. Mateo     Terms Offered: Winter 2013
Prerequisite(s): Permission of Instructor only.
Equivalent Course(s): GNSE 21500,HIPS 22401

CHDV 21800. Primate Behavior and Ecology. 100 Units.

This course explores the behavior and ecology of nonhuman primates with emphasis on their natural history and evolution. Specific topics include methods for the study of primate behavior, history of primate behavior research, socioecology, foraging, predation, affiliation, aggression, mating, parenting, development, communication, cognition, and evolution of human behavior. (A, 1)

Instructor(s): D. Maestripieri     Terms Offered: Autumn
Equivalent Course(s): CHDV 34300

CHDV 22212. Love, Conjugality, and Capital: Intimacy in the Modern World. 100 Units.

A look at societies in other parts of the world demonstrates that modernity in the realm of love, intimacy, and family often had a different trajectory from the European one. This course surveys ideas and practices surrounding love, marriage, and capital in the modern world. Using a range of theoretical, historical, and anthropological readings, as well as films, the course explores such topics as the emergence of companionate marriage in Europe and the connections between arranged marriage, dowry, love, and money. Case studies are drawn primarily from Europe, India, and Africa.

Instructor(s): J. Cole, R. Majumdar     Terms Offered: Winter 2013
Prerequisite(s): Any 10000-level music course or consent of instructor
Note(s): This course typically is offered in alternate years.
Equivalent Course(s): SALC 23101,ANTH 21525,ANTH 32220,GNDR 23102

CHDV 23249. Animal Behavior. 100 Units.

This course introduces the mechanism, ecology, and evolution of behavior, primarily in nonhuman species, at the individual and group level. Topics include the genetic basis of behavior, developmental pathways, communication, physiology and behavior, foraging behavior, kin selection, mating systems and sexual selection, and the ecological and social context of behavior. A major emphasis is placed on understanding and evaluating scientific studies and their field and lab techniques.

Instructor(s): S. Pruett-Jones (even years), J. Mateo (odd years)     Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): Completion of the general education requirement in the biological sciences
Equivalent Course(s): BIOS 23249,PSYC 23249

CHDV 23301. Culture, Mental Health, and Psychiatry. 100 Units.

 This course examines mental health and illness as a set of subjective experience, social processes and objects of knowledge and intervention. On a conceptual level, the course will invite students to think through the complex relationships between categories of knowledge and clinical technologies (in this case, mainly psychiatric ones) and the subjectivities of persons living with mental illness. Put in slightly different terms, we will look at the multiple links between psychiatrists' professional accounts of mental illness and patients' experiences of it. Readings will be drawn primarily from medical and psychological anthropology, cultural psychiatry, and science studies, but will include some "primary texts" from the memoiristic and psychiatric literatures. (C)

Instructor(s): E. Raikhel     Terms Offered: Winter 2013
Equivalent Course(s): CHDV 33301,ANTH 35115,ANTH 24315,HIPS 27302

CHDV 23800. Theories of Emotion and the Psychology of Well Being. 100 Units.

This course will review different approaches to the study of emotion and well being, different ways of measuring well being, the relationship between positive and negative well being, and the degree to which well-being can be changed. We will discuss studies that focus on the mechanisms that control psychological well being, and the thinking, appraisals, and beliefs that lead to positive versus negative well being. We will also investigate those conditions that produce irrevocable changes in psychological well being and those conditions that promote robustness.

Instructor(s): N. Stein     Terms Offered: Spring
Equivalent Course(s): PSYC 26400,CHDV 36400,PSYC 36400

CHDV 23900. Introduction to Language Development. 100 Units.

This course addresses the major issues involved in first-language acquisition. We deal with the child’s production and perception of speech sounds (phonology), the acquisition of the lexicon (semantics), the comprehension and production of structured word combinations (syntax), and the ability to use language to communicate (pragmatics).

Instructor(s): S. Goldin-Meadow     Terms Offered: Spring
Equivalent Course(s): PSYC 23200,LING 21600

CHDV 25116. Magic Matters. 100 Units.

The class explores lively presence of magic in the contemporary, presumably disenchanted world. It approaches the problem of magic historically—examining how magic became an object of social scientific inquiry—and anthropologically, attending to the magic in practice on the margins of the industrial, rational, cosmopolitan, and technological societies and economies. Furthermore, this class reads classic and contemporary ethnographies of magic together with the studies of science and technology to critically examine questions of agency, practice, experience, experiment, and efficacy. The class reads widely across sites, disciplines, and theories, attending to eventful objects and alien agents, stepping into post-socialist, post-colonial, and post-secular magic markets and medical clinics, and reading for the political energies of the emergent communities that effectively mix science, magic, and technology.

Instructor(s): Larisa Jasarevic     Terms Offered: Winter 2013
Prerequisite(s): None
Equivalent Course(s): ANTH 25116,INST 27701

CHDV 25900. Developmental Psychology. 100 Units.

This is an introductory course in developmental psychology, with a focus on cognitive and social development in infancy through early childhood. Example topics include children's early thinking about number, morality, and social relationships, as well as how early environments inform children's social and cognitive development. Where appropriate, we make links to both philosophical inquiries into the nature of the human mind, and to practical inquiries concerning education and public policy.

Instructor(s): K. Kinzler, L. Richland     Terms Offered: Winter
Equivalent Course(s): PSYC 20500

CHDV 26000. Social Psychology. 100 Units.

This course examines social psychological theory and research that is based on both classic and contemporary contributions. Topics include conformity and deviance, the attitude-change process, social role and personality, social cognition, and political psychology.

Instructor(s): W. Goldstein     Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): PSYC 20000 recommended.
Equivalent Course(s): PSYC 20600

CHDV 27317. America's White Ethnics: Contemporary Italian- and Jewish-American Ethnic Identities. 100 Units.

Using American Italians and Jews as case studies, this course investigates what it means to be a white “ethnic” in the contemporary American context and examines what constitutes an ethnic identity. In the mid-20th century, the long-standing ideal of an American melting-pot began to recede. The rise of racial pride, ushered in by the Civil Rights era, made way for the emergence of ethnic identity/pride movements, and multiculturalisms, more broadly, became privileged. To some extent, in the latter half of the 20th century America became a post-assimilationist society and culture, where many still strived to “fit-in,” but it was no longer necessarily the ideal to “blend-in” or lose one’s ethnic trappings. In this context, it has become not only possible, but often desirable, to be at the same time American, white, and an ethnic. Through the investigation of the Jewish and Italian examples, this discussion-style course will look at how ethnicity is manifested in, for example, class, religion, gender, nostalgia, and place, as well as how each of these categories is in turn constitutive of ethnic identity. The course will illustrate that there is no fixed endpoint of assimilation or acculturation, after which a given individual is fully “American,” but that ethnic identity, and its various constituent elements, persists and perpetually evolves, impacting individual identities and experience, and both local/group specific and larger cultural narratives even many generations after immigration.

Instructor(s): L. Shapiro     Terms Offered: Autumn
Equivalent Course(s): JWSC 24500,CRES 27317

CHDV 27901. Beginning Modern Spoken Yucatec Maya I. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): J. Lucy     Terms Offered: Not offered 2012-13; will be offered 2013-14
Equivalent Course(s): LACS 27901,CHDV 47901

CHDV 27902. Beginning Modern Spoken Yucatec Maya II. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): J. Lucy     Terms Offered: Not offered 2012-13; will be offered 2013-14
Equivalent Course(s): CHDV 47902,LACS 27902

CHDV 27903. Beginning Modern Spoken Yucatec Maya III. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): J. Lucy     Terms Offered: Not offered 2012-13; will be offered 2013-14
Equivalent Course(s): CHDV 47903,LACS 27903

CHDV 29700. Undergraduate Reading and Research. 100 Units.

Select section from faculty list on web.

Terms Offered: Autumn, Winter, Spring
Prerequisite(s): Students are required to submit the College Reading and Research Course Form.
Note(s): Must be taken for a quality grade.

CHDV 29800. BA Honors Seminar. 100 Units.

Required for students seeking departmental honors, this seminar is designed to help develop an honors paper project that will be approved and supervised by a HD faculty member. A course preceptor will guide students through the process of research design and proposal writing. (R)

Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): Consent of the undergraduate program chair.
Note(s): Eligible students should plan to take the BA Honors Seminar in the Spring quarter of their third year.

CHDV 29900. Honors Paper Preparation. 100 Units.

The grade assigned to the BA honors paper becomes the grade of record for this course. (R)

Terms Offered: Autumn, Winter
Prerequisite(s): CHDV 29800 and an approved honors paper. Students are required to submit the College Reading and Research Course Form.
Note(s): To complete work on their BA honors paper, students must register for this course with their faculty supervisor in Autumn or Winter of their fourth year.

CHDV 30101. Applied Statistics in Human Development Research. 100 Units.

This course provides an introduction to quantitative methods of inquiry and a foundation for more advanced courses in applied statistics for students in social sciences with a focus on human development research. The course covers univariate and bivariate descriptive statistics, an introduction to statistical inference, t test, two-way contingency table, analysis of variance, and regression. All statistical concepts and methods will be illustrated with application studies in which we will consider the research questions, study design, analytical choices, validity of inferences, and reports of findings. The examples include (1) examining the relationship between home environment and child development and (2) evaluating the effectiveness of class size reduction for promoting student learning. At the end of the course, students should be able to define and use the descriptive and inferential statistics taught in this course to analyze data and to interpret the analytical results. Students will learn to use the SPSS software. No prior knowledge in statistics is assumed. (M)

Instructor(s): G. Hong     Terms Offered: Spring 2013
Prerequisite(s): High school algebra and probability are the only mathematical prerequisites.
Equivalent Course(s): CHDV 20101,HDCP 56050

CHDV 30102. Causal Inference. 100 Units.

This course is designed for graduate students and advanced undergraduate students from social sciences, health science, public policy, and social services administration who will be or are currently involved in quantitative research and are interested in studying causality. The course begins by introducing Rubin’s causal model. A major emphasis will be placed on conceptualizing causal questions including intent-to-treat effect, differential treatment effect, mediated treatment effect, and cumulative treatment effect. In addition to comparing alternative experimental, quasi-experimental, and non-experimental designs, we will clarify the assumptions under which a causal effect can be identified and estimated from non-experimental data. Students will become familiar with causal inference techniques suitable for evaluating binary treatments, concurrent multi-valued treatments, continuous treatments, or time-varying treatments in quasi-experimental or non-experimental data. These include propensity score matching and stratification, inverse-probability-of-treatment weighting (IPTW) and marginal mean weighting through stratification (MMW-S), regression discontinuity design, and the instrumental variable (IV) method. The course is aimed at equipping students with preliminary knowledge and skills necessary for appraising and conducting causal comparative studies. (M)

Instructor(s): G. Hong     Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): Intermediate Statistics
Equivalent Course(s): STAT 31900

CHDV 30301. Learning Laboratory Research. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): L. Richland     Terms Offered: Winter 2013
Note(s): Graduate course open to undergraduates

CHDV 30302. Problems of Public Policy Implementation. 100 Units.

Once a governmental policy or program is established, there is the challenge of getting it carried out in ways intended by the policy makers. We explore how obstacles emerge because of problems of hierarchy, competing goals, and cultures of different groups. We then discuss how they may be overcome by groups, as well as by creators and by those responsible for implementing programs. We also look at varying responses of target populations. (C)

Instructor(s): R. Taub     Terms Offered: Autumn 2012
Prerequisite(s): One prior 20000-level social sciences course.
Note(s): PBPL 22100-22200-22300 may be taken in or out of sequence.

CHDV 30401. Intensive Study of a Culture: Lowland Maya History and Ethnography. 100 Units.

The survey encompasses the dynamics of first contact; long-term cultural accommodations achieved during colonial rule; disruptions introduced by state and market forces during the early postcolonial period; the status of indigenous communities in the twentieth century; and new social, economic, and political challenges being faced by the contemporary peoples of the area. We stress a variety of traditional theoretical concerns of the broader Mesoamerican region stressed (e.g., the validity of reconstructive ethnography; theories of agrarian community structure; religious revitalization movements; the constitution of such identity categories as indigenous, Mayan, and Yucatecan). In this respect, the course can serve as a general introduction to the anthropology of the region. The relevance of these area patterns for general anthropological debates about the nature of culture, history, identity, and social change are considered.

Instructor(s): J. Lucy     Terms Offered: Autumn

CHDV 30405. Anthropology of Disability. 100 Units.

This seminar undertakes to explore "disability" from an anthropological perspective that recognizes it as a socially constructed concept with implications for our understanding of fundamental issues about culture, society, and individual differences. We explore a wide range of theoretical, legal, ethical, and policy issues as they relate to the experiences of persons with disabilities, their families, and advocates. The final project is a presentation on the fieldwork.

Instructor(s): M. Fred     Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing
Equivalent Course(s): MAPS 36900,ANTH 20405,ANTH 30405,HMRT 25210,HMRT 35210,SOSC 36900

CHDV 30901. Biopsychology of Sex Differences. 100 Units.

This course will explore the biological basis of mammalian sex differences and reproductive behaviors. We will consider a variety of species, including humans.  We will address the physiological, hormonal, ecological and social basis of sex differences. To get the most from this course, students should have some background in biology, preferably from taking an introductory course in biology or biological psychology. (A, 1)

Instructor(s): J. Mateo     Terms Offered: Autumn
Equivalent Course(s): PSYC 31600,EVOL 36900,GNSE 30901

CHDV 31000. Cultural Psychology. 100 Units.

There is a substantial portion of the psychological nature of human beings that is neither homogeneous nor fixed across time and space. At the heart of the discipline of cultural psychology is the tenet of psychological pluralism. Research findings in cultural psychology raise provocative questions about the integrity and value of alternative forms of subjectivity across cultural groups. This course analyzes the concept of “culture” and examines ethnic and cross-cultural variations in mental functioning, with special attention to the cultural psychology of emotions, self, moral judgment, categorization, and reasoning.

Instructor(s): R. Shweder     Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing
Equivalent Course(s): GNSE 21001,ANTH 21500,ANTH 35110,CHDV 21000,PSYC 23000,PSYC 33000

CHDV 32101. Culture, Power, Subjectivity: Migration and Multiculturalism. 100 Units.

This quarter’s version of Culture, Power, Subjectivity focuses on migration, multiculturalism and the processes of social transformation that occur as people move across cultural/national borders. The goals of the course are threefold.  First, rather than take migration as an already-constituted object of study, we will consider how it is that social scientists (and anthropologists and sociologists in particular) have thought about questions of migration and movement and therefore posed certain kinds of questions and not others.  Examining this problem means that we will also have to consider some foundational texts on “culture,” “society” and “migration.”  The second goal of the class is to develop a new vocabulary for theorizing the social and cultural processes that occur in migration.  Finally, we will scrutinize the content of various ethnographies -- the predicaments people face, how they get resolved, the consequences etc.  Students should leave the class with a better grasp of some of the foundational concepts in anthropology and sociology as well as an appreciation of the empirical phenomenon of migration. (C*)

Instructor(s): J. Cole     Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor required for undergraduates.
Equivalent Course(s): ANTH 32110

CHDV 32212. Love, Capital and Conjugality: Africa and India in Comparative Perspective. 100 Units.

Are love and money necessarily opposed? Is arranged marriage primitive? Many would argue yes.  It is widely accepted that in modern societies romantic love, the couple and the nuclear family are the "correct" ways to organize intimate life.  But, like many other normative ideas, these too were the product of particular historical developments in post-enlightenment Europe.  A look at societies in other parts of the world demonstrates all too often that modernity in the realm of love, intimacy and family had a different trajectory from the European one. To characterize marriage, love, and familial relationships as backward or retrograde on grounds of their difference with (normative) models prevalent in the west results in a fundamental misunderstanding of the variety of different ways that societies have forged intimate relations.  This course surveys ideas and practices surrounding love, marriage, and capital in the modern world with a particular focus on comparison between Africa and India.  The first half of the class concentrates on key theoretical texts that lay the foundation for the study of gender, intimacy and modern life. The latter part of the class examines case studies from Africa and India.  Using a range of readings the course will explore such questions as the emergence of companionate marriage in Europe; arranged marriage, dowry, love and money. (C)

Instructor(s): J. Cole, R. Majumdar     Terms Offered: Winter 2013

CHDV 34300. Primate Behavior and Ecology. 100 Units.

This course explores the behavior and ecology of nonhuman primates with emphasis on their natural history and evolution. Specific topics include methods for the study of primate behavior, history of primate behavior research, socioecology, foraging, predation, affiliation, aggression, mating, parenting, development, communication, cognition, and evolution of human behavior. (A, 1)

Instructor(s): D. Maestripieri     Terms Offered: Autumn
Equivalent Course(s): CHDV 21800

CHDV 34800. Kinship and Social Systems. 100 Units.

This course will use a biological approach to understanding how groups form and how cooperation and competition modulate group size and reproductive success.  We will explore social systems from evolutionary and ecological perspectives, focusing on how the biotic and social environments favor cooperation among kin as well as how these environmental features influence mating systems and inclusive fitness.  While a strong background in evolutionary theory is not required, students should have basic understanding of biology and natural selection.  Course will use combination of lectures and discussion. (A*, 1*)

Instructor(s): J. Mateo     Terms Offered: Autumn
Equivalent Course(s): EVOL 34800

CHDV 36400. Theories of Emotion and the Psychology of Well Being. 100 Units.

This course will review different approaches to the study of emotion and well being, different ways of measuring well being, the relationship between positive and negative well being, and the degree to which well-being can be changed. We will discuss studies that focus on the mechanisms that control psychological well being, and the thinking, appraisals, and beliefs that lead to positive versus negative well being. We will also investigate those conditions that produce irrevocable changes in psychological well being and those conditions that promote robustness.

Instructor(s): N. Stein     Terms Offered: Spring
Equivalent Course(s): PSYC 26400,CHDV 23800,PSYC 36400

CHDV 37201. Language in Culture I. 100 Units.

Among topics discussed in the first half of the sequence are the formal structure of semiotic systems, the ethnographically crucial incorporation of linguistic forms into cultural systems, and the methods for empirical investigation of “functional” semiotic structure and history.

Instructor(s): M. Silverstein     Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor
Equivalent Course(s): ANTH 37201,LING 31100,PSYC 47001

CHDV 37500-37502-37503. Research Seminar in Animal Behavior I-II-III.

This workshop involves weekly research seminars in animal behavior given by faculty members, postdocs, and advanced graduate students from this and other institutions. The seminars are followed by discussion in which students have the opportunity to interact with the speaker, ask questions about the presentation, and share information about their work. This workshop exposes students to current comparative research in behavioral biology and provides interactions with some of the leading scientists in this field. (A)

CHDV 37500. Research Seminar in Animal Behavior I. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): J. Mateo     Terms Offered: Autumn
Note(s): Students register for this course in Autumn Quarter and receive credit in Spring Quarter after successful completion of the year’s work.
Equivalent Course(s): EVOL 37600

CHDV 37502. Research Seminar in Animal Behavior II. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): J. Mateo     Terms Offered: Winter
Equivalent Course(s): EVOL 37700

CHDV 37503. Research Seminar in Animal Behavior III. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): J. Mateo     Terms Offered: Spring
Equivalent Course(s): EVOL 37800

CHDV 37801. Evolutionary Psychology. 100 Units.

This course explores human social behavior from the perspective of a new discipline: evolutionary psychology. In this course we will read and discuss articles in which evolutionary theory has been applied to different aspects of human behavior and social life such as: developmental sex differences, cooperation and altruism, competition and aggression, physical attractiveness and mating strategies, incest avoidance and marriage, sexual coercion, parenting and child abuse, language and cognition, and psychological and personality disorders. (A, 1)

Instructor(s): D. Maestriperi, D. Gallo     Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): Undergraduates must have permission of instructor.
Equivalent Course(s): PSYC 41450,CHDV 41451

CHDV 38101-38102. Anthropology of Museums I-II.

This sequence examines museums from a variety of perspectives. We consider the World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893, the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, the image and imagination of African American culture as presented in local museums, and museums as memorials, as exemplified by Holocaust exhibitions. Several visits to area museums required.

CHDV 38101. Anthropology of Museums I. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): M. Fred     Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): Advanced standing and consent of instructor
Equivalent Course(s): ANTH 24511,ANTH 34502,CRES 34501,MAPS 34500,SOSC 34500

CHDV 38102. Anthropology of Museums II. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): M. Fred     Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): Advanced standing and consent of instructor

CHDV 38701. Social and Cultural Foundations of Mental Health. 100 Units.

The wellbeing of individuals depends on sociocultural as well as psychobiological conditions, yet current professional thinking about mental health and illness focuses almost exclusively on psychobiological factors. Mental health is influenced significantly by the levels and types of environmental support and of stress that persons experience in their social milieus, which differentially affect their individual strengths and vulnerabilities. This course aims to broaden our concepts of positive mental health by examining the contributions of major social scientific theorists, such as Durkheim, Freud, Simmel, Weber, Mead and other classic and recent writers whose works demonstrate the vital connection between individual personality and sociocultural context. The course will consist of lectures and discussion of readings, with grades based on short paper assignments. (4)

Instructor(s): D. Orlinsky     Terms Offered: Spring 2013
Equivalent Course(s): HIPS 26101

CHDV 39301. Qualitative Research Methods. 100 Units.

The goal of this course is for students to learn a range of qualitative research methods, understand the uses and limitations of each of these methods, and gain hands-on experience designing, completing, and writing up a project using one or more of these methods. The first three weeks focus on developing a research plan: reviewing the literature, formulating a research question, and evaluating available methods to investigate that question. The remaining weeks will focus on research ethics, data collection, data analysis, and writeup. Throughout the course, we will be reading and discussing both texts that explicitly teach method and examples of different qualitative approaches, including ethnography, person-centered interviewing, Grounded Theory, narrative analysis, and cultural models. All students will complete a small-scale research project using one or more of the methods covered in this course. (M)

Instructor(s): E. Fein     Terms Offered: Winter 2013

CHDV 39900. Readings: Human Development. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): Staff     Terms Offered: Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer
Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent required.

CHDV 40000. HD Concepts. 100 Units.

Our assumptions about the processes underlying development shape how we read the literature, design studies, and interpret results.  The purpose of this course is two-fold in that, first, it makes explicit both our own assumptions as well as commonly held philosophical perspectives that impact the ways in which human development is understood. Second, the course provides an overview of theories and domain-specific perspectives related to individual development across the life-course.  The emphasis is on issues and questions that have dominated the field over time and, which continue to provide impetus for research, its interpretation, and the character of policy decisions and their implementation. Stated differently, theories have utility and are powerful tools. Accordingly, the course provides a broad basis for appreciating theoretical approaches to the study of development and for understanding the use of theory in the design of research and its application. Most significant, theories represent heuristic devices for “real time” interpretations of daily experiences and broad media disseminated messages.

Instructor(s): Staff     Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): CHD Grad Students Only
Equivalent Course(s): PSYC 40900

CHDV 40207. Development in Adolescents. 100 Units.

Adolescence represents a period of unusually rapid growth and development. At the same time, under the best of social circumstances and contextual conditions, the teenage years represent a challenging period. The period also affords unparalleled opportunities with appropriate levels of support. Thus, the approach taken acknowledges the challenges and untoward outcomes, while also speculates about the predictors of resiliency and the sources of positive youth development. The perspective taken unpacks the developmental period's complexity as exacerbated by the many contextual and cultural forces which are often made worse by unacknowledged socially structured conditions, which interact with youths' unavoidable and unique meaning making processes. As a function of  some youths' privileging situations versus the low resource and chronic conditions of others, both coping processes and identity formation processes are emphasized as highly consequential. Thus, stage specific developmental processes are explored for understanding gap findings for a society's diverse youth. In sum, the course presents the experiences of diverse youth from a variety of theoretical perspectives. The strategy improves our understanding about the "what" of human development as well as the "how." Ultimately, the conceptual orientation described is critical for 1) designing better social policy, 2) improving  the training and support of socializing agents (e.g., teachers), and 3) enhancing human developmental outcomes (e.g., resilient patterns). (2)

Instructor(s): M. Spencer     Terms Offered: Winter

CHDV 40306. Academic and Behavior Gender Gaps Along the Pathway to Degree Attainment. 100 Units.

This course explores the complex intersection of race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status and gender in determining unequal outcomes in American education. We will examine the recent history of the reversal of the gender gap in academic achievement, the research evidence examining potential causes of this reversal, and policies aimed at improving male academic achievement. We will also examine whether issue of male underachievement only applies to subgroups of Americans as indexed by race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status. Students will be introduced to several datasets that can be used to examine issues of how gender is associated with academic success along the pathway to degree attainment. Students are expected to complete a final empirical paper that includes the discussion of data, analyses, results, and policy implications. Students must have taken a graduate level statistics course as a prerequisite. (2)

Instructor(s): M. Keels     Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): Graduate level statistics course

CHDV 41050. Cultural Psychology. 100 Units.

There is a substantial portion of the psychological nature of human beings that is neither homogeneous nor fixed across time and space. At the heart of the discipline of cultural psychology is the tenet of psychological pluralism. Research findings in cultural psychology raise provocative questions about the integrity and value of alternative forms of subjectivity across cultural groups. This course analyzes the concept of "culture" and examines ethnic and cross-cultural variations in mental functioning, with special attention to the cultural psychology of emotions, self, moral judgment, categorization, and reasoning. (C)

Instructor(s): R. Shweder     Terms Offered: Autumn 2013
Prerequisite(s): Third- or fourth-year standing.
Equivalent Course(s): CHDV 21000,ANTH 21510,GNDR 21001,PSYC 23000

CHDV 41451. Evolutionary Psychology. 100 Units.

This course explores human social behavior from the perspective of a new discipline: evolutionary psychology. In this course we will read and discuss articles in which evolutionary theory has been applied to different aspects of human behavior and social life such as: developmental sex differences, cooperation and altruism, competition and aggression, physical attractiveness and mating strategies, incest avoidance and marriage, sexual coercion, parenting and child abuse, language and cognition, and psychological and personality disorders. (A, 1)

Instructor(s): D. Maestriperi, D. Gallo     Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): Undergraduates must have permission of instructor.
Equivalent Course(s): PSYC 41450,CHDV 37801

CHDV 41920. The Evolution of Language. 100 Units.

How did language emerge in the phylogeny of mankind? Was its evolution saltatory or gradual? Did it start late or early and then proceed in a protracted way? Was the emergence monogenetic or polygenetic? What were the ecological prerequisites for the evolution, with the direct ecology situated in the hominine species itself, and when did the prerequisites obtain? Did there ever emerge a language organ or is this a post-facto construct that can be interpreted as a consequence of the emergence of language itself? What function did language evolve to serve, to enhance thought processes or to facilitate rich communication? Are there modern “fossils” in the animal kingdom that can inform our scholarship on the subject matter? What does paleontology suggest? We will review some of the recent and older literature on these questions and more.

Instructor(s): S. Mufwene     Terms Offered: Winter 2013
Equivalent Course(s): CHSS 41920,ANTH 47305,EVOL 41920,PSYC 41920,LING 21920,LING 41920

CHDV 42214. Ethnographic Writing. 100 Units.

This course is intended for qualitative, anthropologically oriented graduate students engaged in the act of ethnographic writing, be it a thesis, a prospectus or an article.  The course is organized around student presentations of work in progress and critical feedback from course participants.  It is hoped that each participant will emerge from the course with a polished piece of work. Only graduate students will be admitted and consent of the instructor is mandatory. (M)

Instructor(s): J. Cole     Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor, graduate students only.

CHDV 42401. Trial Research in Human Development - I. 100 Units.

This course is taken in the Spring quarter of the first year, and again in the Autumn quarter of the second year.  The purpose of this seminar is to help students formulate and complete their trial research projects.

Instructor(s): Staff     Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): CHD grad students only.
Note(s): Required

CHDV 42402. Trial Research in Human Development - II. 100 Units.

Second in required Trial Research Seminar sequence. The purpose of this seminar is to help students formulate and complete their trial research projects.

Instructor(s): Staff     Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): CHDV 42401 Trial Research in Human Development - I
Note(s): CHD graduate students only. Required.

CHDV 43248. Research Methods in Behavior and Development. 100 Units.

In this graduate seminar we will discuss research design, experimental methods, statistical approaches and field techniques. Other topics will be covered depending on participant interests, such as acoustic analyses, ethogram development, event recorders, spectrophotometers, marking methods, spatial analyses and grant-writing strategies. The course is primarily designed for studies of non-human animals, although studies of human behavior, especially developmental studies, will be addressed. (M)

Instructor(s): J. Mateo     Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor.

CHDV 43302. Illness and Subjectivity. 100 Units.

While anthropology and other social sciences have long explored the social and cultural shaping of the self and personhood, many scholars have recently employed the rubric of “subjectivity” to articulate the links between collective phenomena and the subjective lives of individuals. This graduate seminar will examine “subjectivity”—and related concepts—focusing on topics where such ideas have been particularly fruitful: illness, pathology and suffering.  We will critically examine the terms “self,” “personhood” and “subjectivity”—and their relationship to one another. Additional literatures and topics covered may include: illness and narrative; healing and the self; personhood and new medical technologies. (3, 4*)

Instructor(s): E. Raikhel     Terms Offered: Spring
Note(s): Graduate students only.
Equivalent Course(s): ANTH 51305

CHDV 43600. Processes of Judgement and Decision Making. 100 Units.

This course offers a survey of research on judgment and decision making, with emphasis placed on uncertainty and (intrapersonal) conflict. An historical approach is taken in which the roots of current research issues and practices are traced. Topics are drawn from the following areas: evaluation and choice when goals are in conflict and must be traded off, decision making when consequences of the decision are uncertain, predictive and evaluative judgments under conditions of uncertain, incomplete, conflicting, or otherwise fallible information.

Instructor(s): W. Goldstein     Terms Offered: Winter
Equivalent Course(s): PSYC 43600

CHDV 44700. Seminar: Topics in Judgement and Decision Making. 100 Units.

This course offers a survey of research on judgment and decision making, with emphasis placed on uncertainty and (intrapersonal) conflict. An historical approach is taken in which the roots of current research issues and practices are traced. Topics are drawn from the following areas: evaluation and choice when goals are in conflict and must be traded off, decision making when consequences of the decision are uncertain, predictive and evaluative judgments under conditions of uncertain, incomplete, conflicting, or otherwise fallible information.

Instructor(s): W. Goldstein     Terms Offered: Spring
Equivalent Course(s): PSYC 44700

CHDV 45501. Cognition and Education. 100 Units.

Cognition and Education will explore research bridging basic theroies of cognition with reigours studies of educational practice. This exciting pairing yields insights for both psychological theories of cognition and educational theories of practice. Complete psychological theories of cognition must be able to explain thinking and learning in dynamic, everyday contexts. At the same time, this work cannot impact pracitce without being well grounded in teachers and students' everyday activities. Course readings will include psychological studies of cognition and learning, developmental studies of children's thinking, and educational studies of teaching in STEM (Science, Technoglogy, engineering, and Mathematics) fields. (5*)

Instructor(s): L. Richland     Terms Offered: Spring

CHDV 45601. Moral Development & Comparative Ethics. 100 Units.

Three types of questions about morality can be distinguished: (1) philosophical, (2) psychological, and (3) epidemiological.  The philosophical question asks, whether and in what sense (if any) "goodness" or "rightness" are real or objective properties that particular actions possess in varying degrees.  The psychological question asks, what are the mental states and processes associated with the human classification of actions are moral or immoral, ethical or unethical.  The epidemiological question asks, what is the actual distribution of moral judgments across time (developmental time and historical time) and across space (for example, across cultures).  In this seminar we will read classic and contemporary philosophical, psychological and anthropological texts that address those questions. (B, C; 3)

Instructor(s): R. Shweder     Terms Offered: Autumn
Equivalent Course(s): PSYC 44000

CHDV 45700. Urban Field Research. 100 Units.

This course focuses on methods for collecting qualitative field data in urban settings from the ground up, so to speak, and to discuss some related methodological issues.  In addition to readings, there are field assignments and students discuss each other's notes. (M)

Instructor(s): R. Taub     Terms Offered: Spring 2013
Prerequisite(s): Graduate students in Social Sciences only.
Note(s): Offered every other year.
Equivalent Course(s): SOCI 50017

CHDV 47901-47902-47903. Beginning Modern Spoken Yucatec Maya I-II-III.

This course is a basic introduction to the modern Yucatec Maya language, an indigenous American language spoken by about 750,000 people in southeastern Mexico. Three consecutive quarters of instruction are intended for students aiming to achieve basic and intermediate proficiency. Students receiving FLAS support must take all three quarters. Others may elect to take only the first quarter or first two quarters. Students wishing to enter the course midyear (e.g., those with prior experience with the language) must obtain consent of instructor. Materials exist for a second year of the course; interested students should consult the instructor. Students wishing to continue their training with native speakers in Mexico may apply for FLAS funding in the summer.

CHDV 47901. Beginning Modern Spoken Yucatec Maya I. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): J. Lucy     Terms Offered: Not offered 2012-13; will be offered 2013-14
Equivalent Course(s): CHDV 27901,LACS 27901

CHDV 47902. Beginning Modern Spoken Yucatec Maya II. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): J. Lucy     Terms Offered: Not offered 2012-13; will be offered 2013-14
Equivalent Course(s): CHDV 27902,LACS 27902

CHDV 47903. Beginning Modern Spoken Yucatec Maya III. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): J. Lucy     Terms Offered: Not offered 2012-13; will be offered 2013-14
Equivalent Course(s): CHDV 27903,LACS 27903

CHDV 48415. Displaced nations and the politics of belonging. 100 Units.

While immigration has given rise to cultural hybridity and cosmopolitan forms of belonging, it has also produced diasporic nations and long-distance nationalisms that strive to maintain relationships with real or imagined homelands. This seminar examines what it means to belong to a nation that is not coterminous with a territorial state. It explores both the impact of diasporic nation-making on immigrant subjectivities and on the cultural politics of belonging in receiving states. How, for instance, does deterritorialized nation-making implicate immigrant bodies, histories, and subjectivities? How is the traditionally ethnos-based diasporic nation reconceptualised by considering intersecting queer solidarities or religious nationalisms? How does deterritorialized nation-making complicate ideologies of citizenship and belonging, and how do immigrant-receiving states manage these complications? To explore these issues, we will draw on ethnographic monographs and multidisciplinary theoretical perspectives that critically examine the concepts of the nation, nationalism, deterritorialized nationalism, and citizenship, as they implicate history and memory, the body, sexual and religious solidarities, and multiculturalism.  (3)

Instructor(s): G. Embuldeniya     Terms Offered: Spring
Equivalent Course(s): ANTH 45615

CHDV 49900. Research in Human Development. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): Staff     Terms Offered: Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer
Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent required.

CHDV 53350. Gesture, Sign, and Language. 100 Units.

The notion of gesture has been used in many ways and in a variety of disciplines. The study of sign languages has allowed us to raise a new series of questions about the role of gesture in language and communication. It is well established that gestures play an important role in spoken languages. What is the relationship between gestures used as an entire language (i.e., sign languages), and those used as a parallel part of a spoken language (i.e., the gestures of hearing people)? What cognitive mechanisms underlie the use of gesture in its various forms? How does the study of gesture shed light on the emergence of language? Scholars already working on gesture in the Humanities and Social Sciences Divisions may be invited to be guest lecturers in the course as time permits.

Instructor(s): D. Brentari, S. Goldin-Meadow     Terms Offered: Autumn 2012
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor
Equivalent Course(s): CDIN 53350,PSYC 43350,LING 53450

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