The College Catalog
The University of Chicago


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Contacts | Program of Study | Program Requirements | Summary of Requirements | Grading | Honors | Minor Program in Music | Performance Organizations | Courses


Undergraduate Primary Contact

Director of Undergraduate Studies Kaley Mason
Go H 201


Program of Study

The Department of Music aims to broaden the exposure to and enrich the understanding of the various musical traditions of the world. Courses address the materials of tonal music in the Western tradition, the analysis of individual works, the study of composers and genres, non-Western and vernacular repertories, musical composition, critical approaches to music, and the role of music in society. The BA program in music provides a background both for graduate work in music and for study in other fields. The department also sponsors a number of performance organizations and concert series.

Courses for Nonmajors: General Education

  • Students seeking to meet the general education requirement in dramatic, musical, and visual arts with music courses must choose from among the following:
  • MUSI 10100Introduction to Western Art Music100
    MUSI 10200Introduction to World Music100
    MUSI 10300Introduction to Music: Materials and Design100
    MUSI 10400Introduction to Music: Analysis and Criticism100
  • Students seeking to meet the general education requirement in civilization studies may select the following two-quarter sequence. These courses are open to all students, regardless of previous musical background.
  • MUSI 12100-12200Music in Western Civilization I-II200

Other Courses for Nonmajors

In addition to the general education courses, the department offers a two-quarter sequence MUSI 14100-14200 Introduction to Music Theory for Nonmajors for students who have had little or no exposure to reading music. Students who can read music comfortably can take the three-quarter sequence MUSI 15100-15200-15300 Harmony and Voice Leading; a placement examination for this series of courses is given during the first week of Autumn Quarter. Courses numbered from 20000 to 24900 are open to students who have passed a course at the 10000 level or who have equivalent musical background. In addition, courses designed for the major (MUSI 25000 to 29900), as well as certain graduate courses, are open to qualified College students who are not majoring in music, with consent of the instructor.

Students in other programs of study may also complete a minor in music. Information follows the description of the major.

Program Requirements

BA Program

The program for the bachelor's degree in music offers a balance of practical, historical, and conceptual approaches to music.

Students are required to take at least twelve music courses and participate in one of the Music Department's major ensembles for at least three quarters.

Students should begin the major by taking the three-quarter sequence MUSI 15100-15200-15300 Harmony and Voice Leading. Students follow this introductory course with the following: (1) a yearlong sequence that takes up topics in the history of Western art music, MUSI 27100-27200-27300 Topics in the History of Western Music, (2) MUSI 23300 Introduction to the Social and Cultural Study of Music, and (3) four additional courses numbered MUSI 20000 or above. MUSI 27100-27200-27300 Topics in the History of Western Music is offered in alternate years. It typically takes three years to complete the introductory and advanced courses. It is thus highly advisable for students to take MUSI 15100-15200-15300 Harmony and Voice Leading during their first or second year.

The required course in musicianship skills is offered each quarter of every year and should be taken after the MUSI 15100-15200-15300 Harmony and Voice Leading sequence. MUSI 28500 Musicianship Skills is a yearlong course. One quarter's credit (100 units) is granted in the final quarter after successful completion of all three quarters. To meet requirements for full-time student status, students must carry at least three additional courses each quarter.

Students must arrange a formal consultation with the director of undergraduate studies before declaring music as their major.

Summary of Requirements

MUSI 15100-15200-15300Harmony and Voice Leading300
MUSI 27100-27200-27300Topics in the History of Western Music300
MUSI 23300Introduction to the Social and Cultural Study of Music100
4 additional courses numbered MUSI 20000 or above400
MUSI 28500Musicianship Skills100
Participation for at least three quarters in one of the Music Department's major ensembles
Total Units1200


Students whose interest lies in composition are advised to take MUSI 26100 Introduction to Composition, which is designed for students wishing to learn composition or to improve their compositional technique. Students pursuing composition, particularly those intending to apply to graduate school in music composition, are also advised to take such courses as:

MUSI 26800Sixteenth-Century Counterpoint100
MUSI 26900Eighteenth-Century Counterpoint100
MUSI 26300-26400Introduction to Computer Music200
MUSI 28200Multiple-Media Composition100
MUSI 25300Analysis of Twentieth-Century Music100

By making special arrangements with a composition instructor, students may also register for composition lessons by using MUSI 29700 Independent Study in Music as an elective.


Students wishing to specialize in ethnomusicology in the context of a music major are advised to take MUSI 10200 Introduction to World Music in addition to MUSI 23300 Introduction to the Social and Cultural Study of Music; these will provide grounding in musical styles and repertoires, as well as the techniques and methods of study central to ethnomusicology. Other classes can be selected at the 23000 level, allowing students to build up specific areas of expertise in fields such as jazz, popular music, Middle Eastern music, and South Asian music. Students considering graduate studies in ethnomusicology are strongly advised to take the MUSI 29500 Undergraduate Honors Seminar and write an honors thesis with a focus on an ethnomusicological topic.


Courses used to meet the general education requirement in the dramatic, musical, and visual arts must be taken for a quality grade. Courses taken to meet requirements in the major also must be taken for a quality grade.


Students may be recommended for honors if they (1) have a GPA of at least 3.0 overall and at least 3.5 in the major, and (2) present an outstanding senior thesis or composition under the approved supervision of a faculty member in the Department of Music. Registration in MUSI 29900 Senior Essay or Composition may be devoted to the preparation of the senior thesis or composition. This research paper or project may not be used to meet the BA paper or project requirement in another major. The optional MUSI 29500 Undergraduate Honors Seminar, typically offered each Autumn Quarter, is designed to prepare students to write an honors essay. Students seeking honors should speak with the director of undergraduate studies no later than Spring Quarter of their third year.

Minor Program in Music

The minor program in music requires the completion of seven courses and the student's participation for at least three quarters in one of the Music Department's major ensembles. Students who elect the minor program in music must meet with the director of undergraduate studies before the end of Spring Quarter of their third year to declare their intention to complete the minor. The director's approval for the minor program should be submitted to a student's College adviser by this deadline on a form obtained from the adviser.

No courses in the minor can be double counted with the student's major(s) or with other minors; nor can they be counted toward general education requirements. They must be taken for quality grades and more than half of the requirements for the minor must be met by registering for courses bearing University of Chicago course numbers.

Summary of Requirements: Minor Program in Music

MUSI 15100-15200-15300Harmony and Voice Leading300
4 additional music courses numbered as MUSI 20000 or above400
Participation for at least three quarters in one of the Music Department's major ensembles
Total Units700

Performance Organizations

Membership in the Department of Music performance organizations is open to qualified students from all areas of the University through competitive auditions held at the beginning of Autumn Quarter. Most organizations rehearse weekly. For further information, students should see the brochure Performance Opportunities at the University of Chicago or contact Barbara Schubert, director of performing programs.

Symphony Orchestra

The 100-member University Symphony Orchestra presents six concerts per season. Familiar and unusual repertoire from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries is featured, often relating to a particular theme. A major performance with the University Chorus every season, the biennial University Concerto Competition, and regular performances with professional soloists are highlights of the symphony's activities. Wednesday evening rehearsals. B. Schubert. Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring.

Chamber Orchestra

The University Chamber Orchestra is a string ensemble that specializes in baroque, early classical, and twentieth-century repertoire. Supplemented by wind players for particular pieces, the group presents one concert per quarter and serves as the core orchestra in the annual opera production. Monday evening rehearsals. T. Semanik. Autumn, Winter, Spring.

Wind Ensemble

The University Wind Ensemble performs both symphonic wind ensemble literature and transcriptions of major orchestral repertoire. The group presents one concert per quarter and occasionally performs at informal activities and social events on campus. Monday evening rehearsals. C. De Stefano. Autumn, Winter, Spring.


The 100-plus-member University Chorus performs choral literature of the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries, accompanied by keyboard, small instrumental ensembles, or the University Symphony. One major concert per quarter plus supplemental performances on campus and elsewhere in the city make up the season. Monday evening rehearsals. J. Kallembach. Autumn, Winter, Spring.

Motet Choir

The 40-member University Motet Choir is a select group that specializes in a cappella choral literature of all periods, plus Renaissance and baroque works accompanied by period instruments. The ensemble presents one major concert per quarter on campus, has frequent performances elsewhere in Chicago, and goes on an annual tour. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday noontime rehearsals. J. Kallembach. Autumn, Winter, Spring.

Jazz X-tet

The Jazz X-tet is an eight- to ten-piece group dedicated to the exploration of small-group improvisation and ensemble performance in traditional jazz styles. The ensemble's repertoire ranges from standards to new compositions written for the group to collaborative works, often inviting noted professional soloists. The group presents one major concert per quarter on campus, as well as supplemental performances on campus and elsewhere in the city. Wednesday evening rehearsals. M. Bowden. Autumn, Winter, Spring.

Middle East Music Ensemble

The Middle East Music Ensemble (MEME) explores a variety of classical, neo-classical, and popular forms originating throughout the Middle East. Participants develop knowledge of Middle Eastern compositional and improvisational techniques through performance, often with accomplished guest artists. The ensemble performs one major concert per quarter and is open to all students and to community members with appropriate musical experience. Thursday evening rehearsals. W. Zarour. Autumn, Winter, Spring.

New Music Ensemble

The University New Music Ensemble performs a wide variety of twentieth- and twenty-first-century repertoire, with each of its quarterly concerts including solo and ensemble works for singers and instrumentalists. Experimental music, world premieres, and multimedia programs are an integral part of every season, including recognized masterworks and new works by composition students in the Department of Music. Saturday and Sunday rehearsals. B. Schubert. Autumn, Winter, Spring.

Javanese Gamelan Ensemble

The Javanese Gamelan Ensemble is part of the department's expanded offerings in ethnomusicology. The group focuses on authentic performance practice and makes use of numerous opportunities to rehearse and perform with visiting artists from Java and around the United States. The ensemble's performances feature contemporary Indonesian and American compositions in addition to traditional Javanese gamelan pieces. Tuesday evening rehearsals. A. Northrup, M. Awe. Autumn, Winter, Spring.

Other Performance Activities

These activities do not satisfy the ensemble requirement for the music major or minor. Many other musical activities are available at the University, including chamber music, the Gilbert and Sullivan Opera Company, noontime concert series, several residence hall recital series, and several student-run theater groups.

Music Courses

MUSI 10100. Introduction to Western Art Music. 100 Units.

This one-quarter course is designed to enrich the listening experience of students, particularly with respect to the art music of the Western European and American concert tradition. Students are introduced to the basic elements of music and the ways that they are integrated to create works in various styles. Particular emphasis is placed on musical form and on the potential for music to refer to and interact with aspects of the world outside.

Terms Offered: Autumn, Winter, Spring
Note(s): Background in music not required. Students must confirm enrollment by attending one of the first two sessions of class. This course meets the general education requirement in the dramatic, musical, and visual arts.

MUSI 10200. Introduction to World Music. 100 Units.

This course is a selected survey of classical, popular, and folk music traditions from around the world. The goals are not only to expand our skills as listeners but also to redefine what we consider music to be and, in the process, stimulate a fresh approach to our own diverse musical traditions. In addition, the role of music as ritual, aesthetic experience, mode of communication, and artistic expression is explored.

Terms Offered: Autumn, Winter, Spring
Note(s): Background in music not required. Students must confirm enrollment by attending one of the first two sessions of class. This course meets the general education requirement in the dramatic, musical, and visual arts.
Equivalent Course(s): CRES 10200

MUSI 10300. Introduction to Music: Materials and Design. 100 Units.

In this variant of the introductory course in music, students explore the language of music through coordinated listening, analysis, and exercises in composition. A study of a wide diversity of musical styles serves as an incentive for student compositions in those styles.

Terms Offered: Autumn, Winter, Spring
Note(s): Background in music not required. Students must confirm enrollment by attending one of the first two sessions of class. This course meets the general education requirement in the dramatic, musical, and visual arts.

MUSI 10400. Introduction to Music: Analysis and Criticism. 100 Units.

This course aims to develop students' analytical and critical tools by focusing on a select group of works drawn from the Western European and American concert tradition. The texts for the course are recordings. Through listening, written assignments, and class discussion, we explore topics such as compositional strategy, conditions of musical performance, interactions between music and text, and the relationship between music and ideology as they are manifested in complete compositions.

Terms Offered: Autumn, Winter, Spring
Note(s): Background in music not required. Students must confirm enrollment by attending one of the first two sessions of class. This course meets the general education requirement in the dramatic, musical, and visual arts.

MUSI 12100-12200. Music in Western Civilization I-II.

Prior music course or ability to read music not required. Students must confirm enrollment by attending one of the first two sessions of class. This two-quarter sequence meets the general education requirement in civilization studies; it does not meet the general education requirement in the dramatic, musical, and visual arts. This two-quarter sequence explores musical works of broad cultural significance in Western civilization. We study pieces not only from the standpoint of musical style but also through the lenses of politics, intellectual history, economics, gender, cultural studies, and so on. Readings are taken both from our music textbook and from the writings of a number of figures such as St. Benedict of Nursia and Martin Luther. In addition to lectures, students discuss important issues in the readings and participate in music listening exercises in smaller sections.

MUSI 12100. Music in Western Civilization I: To 1750. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): A. Robertson     Terms Offered: Winter
Equivalent Course(s): HIST 12700,SOSC 21100

MUSI 12200. Music in Western Civilization II: 1750 to the Present. 100 Units.

Terms Offered: Spring
Equivalent Course(s): HIST 12800,SOSC 21200

MUSI 14100-14200. Introduction to Music Theory for Nonmajors.

This two-quarter sequence covers the basic elements of music theory, including music reading, intervals, chords, meter, and rhythm. The emphasis is on practical and analytical skills, leading to simple melodic and contrapuntal composition as well as a more profound appreciation of music. These courses do not meet the general education requirement in the dramatic, musical, and visual arts.

MUSI 14100. Introduction to Music Theory for Nonmajors. 100 Units.

Terms Offered: Autumn

MUSI 14200. Introduction to Music Theory for Nonmajors. 100 Units.

Terms Offered: Winter

MUSI 15100-15200-15300. Harmony and Voice Leading.

This three-quarter sequence serves as an introduction to the materials and structure of Western tonal music. The first quarter focuses on fundamentals: scale types, keys, basic harmonic structures, voice-leading and two-voice counterpoint. The second quarter explores extensions of harmonic syntax, the basics of classical form, further work with counterpoint, and nondiatonic seventh chords. The third quarter undertakes the study of modulation, sequences, and additional analysis of classical forms. Musicianship labs in ear training and keyboard skills required.

MUSI 15100. Harmony and Voice Leading. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): L. Zbikowski     Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): Ability to read music

MUSI 15200. Harmony and Voice Leading. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): S. Rings     Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): Ability to read music

MUSI 15300. Harmony and Voice Leading. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): T. Christensen     Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): Ability to read music

MUSI 20900. Issues in Film Music. 100 Units.

This course explores the role of film music in the history of cinema. What role does music play as part of the narrative (source music) and as nondiegetic music (underscoring)? How does music of different styles and provenance contribute to the semiotic universe of film? And how did film music assume a central voice in twentieth-century culture? We study music composed for films (original scores) as well as pre-existent music (such as popular and classical music). The twenty films covered in the course may include classical Hollywood cinema, documentaries, foreign (including non-Western) films, experimental films, musicals, and cartoons.

Instructor(s): B. Hoeckner     Terms Offered: Autumn
Note(s): This course typically is offered in alternate years.

MUSI 23300. Introduction to the Social and Cultural Study of Music. 100 Units.

This course provides an introduction to ethnomusicology and related disciplines with an emphasis on the methods and contemporary practice of social and cultural analysis. The course reviews a broad selection of writing on non-Western, popular, vernacular, and "world-music" genres from a historical and theoretical perspective, clarifying key analytical terms (i.e., "culture," "subculture," "style," "ritual," "globalization") and methods (i.e., ethnography, semiotics, psychoanalysis, Marxism). In the last part of the course, students learn and develop component skills of fieldwork documentation and ethnographic writing.

Terms Offered: Autumn
Note(s): Prior music course and ability to read music notation not required.
Equivalent Course(s): MUSI 33300

MUSI 23503. Introduction to the Musical Folklore of Central Asia. 100 Units.

This course explores the musical traditions of the peoples of Central Asia, both in terms of historical development and cultural significance. Topics include the music of the epic tradition, the use of music for healing, instrumental genres, and Central Asian folk and classical traditions. Basic field methods for ethnomusicology are also covered. Extensive use is made of recordings of musical performances and of live performances in the area.

Instructor(s): K. Arik     Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): Knowledge of Arabic and/or Islamic studies helpful but not required
Equivalent Course(s): NEHC 20765,ANTH 25905,EEUR 23400,EEUR 33400,MUSI 33503

MUSI 23513. Musical Performances of Race/Gender/Sexuality. Units.

This course explores the relationships between race, sexuality, and gender in the context of musical performances. Understanding categories of race, gender, and sexuality as intersectional, we will explore the various ways that people construct their subjectivities and organize around issues of race, class, gender, and sexuality. Within each of these categories, multiple subjectivities emerge, allowing for us to investigate how different embodied experiences condition divergent perspectives.
,Structures of race, gender, and sexuality exist within broader systems of power and are not uniform. Thus we will explore various case studies from world musical cultures, contextualizing the historical and cultural parameters. Through locally grounded case studies we will investigate race, gender, and sexuality as embedded within hierarchical power structures. Moving beyond myopic interpretations of power and resistance, we begin with understanding conceptions of the self and ideological parameters as emergent, shifting, and continuously re-performed. We ask how people respond to the global phenomena of colonialism, neocolonialism, racism, sexism, capitalism, HIV/AIDS, and other forms of oppression through musical performance. Musical performance provides a fruitful ground for unearthing the subversive potentialities of both articulated and unarticulated resistance movements.
,The literature of the course draws from multiple bodies of feminist theory such as Black feminist thought, postcolonial feminisms, poststructuralist feminism, and global feminist perspectives. We will also utilize theoretical frameworks that provide a lens for exploring identity politics such as critical race theory and queer theory. As we seek to untangle issues of musical performance, embodiment, movement, and representation, we will draw from ethnomusicology, performance studies, postmodern anthropology, and postcolonial theory. We will draw linkages between the various bodies of literature, examining the entry points for investigating race, gender, and sexuality as performed categories of being. These theoretical positions serve to inform our studies; I ask students to reintegrate their area studies interests through these theoretical perspectives.
,Noting that race, gender, and sexuality are not only academic discourses, but political positions as well, we will consider conversations outside of the academy as authorities. This includes poetry, art, theater, literature, film, music, ethnography, and everyday life. Going further, we will problematize the structures of power that authorize certain discourses as legitimate and authorial while marginalizing others.

Instructor(s): Sidra Lawrence     Terms Offered: Winter 2013
Note(s): Meets with Music 23513
Equivalent Course(s): CRES 23513,MUSI 33513

MUSI 23613. Popular Culture in the Middle East and North Africa. 100 Units.

This course remaps popular culture of the contemporary Middle East and North Africa (MENA) in light of ongoing uprisings in this region. Expressive practices create senses of community at the same time that they may reinforce political and religious differences. Engaging popular culture as a means to identify newly emerging publics across the region, we will theorize the intersection of aesthetics, politicsm and religion, such as how Islamists turn to art for political and mobilizational purposes. We will utilize social media and theorize its role in disseminating creative practices. This course will develop historical and theoretical perspectives on materials ranging from literature and satirical comedy to protest song and slogans, including hiphop, dabke, and other forms of Arab street culture.

Instructor(s): Shayna Silverstein     Terms Offered: Winter 2013
Note(s): Meets with Music 23613
Equivalent Course(s): NEHC 23613,MUSI 33613

MUSI 23700. Music of South Asia. 100 Units.

This course examines the music of South Asia as an aesthetic domain with both unity and particularity in the region. The unity of the North and South Indian classical traditions is treated historically and analytically, with special emphasis placed on correlating their musical and mythological aspects. The classical traditions are contrasted with regional, tribal, and folk music with respect to fundamental conceptualizations of music and the roles it plays in society. In addition, the repertories of Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Sri Lanka, as well as states and nations bordering the region, are covered. Music is also considered as a component of myth, religion, popular culture, and the confrontation with modernity.

Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): Any 10000-level music course or consent of instructor
Note(s): This course typically is offered in alternate years.

MUSI 23900. Rock. 100 Units.

This course considers some critical accounts of the music industry, of subcultures, and of mass media aesthetics; some historical dimensions of rock (e.g., circum-Atlantic, global circulation of blues-derived popular forms); and some analytical approaches deriving from the main theoretical traditions of Western art music, psychoanalysis, semiotics, and ethnography—as applied to, for example, rhythm and meter, repetition, tonality, and voice. Students are also encouraged, through readings and listening, to contextualize rock within a broad field of popular/vernacular music making in the twentieth century.

Instructor(s): T. Jackson     Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): Any 10000-level music course or consent of instructor
Note(s): This course typically is offered in alternate years.

MUSI 23911. Jewish Music. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): Philip Bohlman     Terms Offered: Spring 2013
Equivalent Course(s): MUSI 33911

MUSI 24000. Composition Lessons. 100 Units.

This course consists of individual weekly composition lessons.

Instructor(s): K. Suzuki     Terms Offered: Autumn, Winter, Spring
Prerequisite(s): MUSI 26100 and consent of instructor
Note(s): Students may enroll in this course more than once as an elective, but it may be counted only once toward requirements for the music major or minor.

MUSI 24509. Mozart's Comic Opera. 100 Units.

Concentration on Die Entführung aus dem Serail, Le nozze di Figaro, Don Giovanni, Cosí fan tutte, Die Zauberflöt.

Instructor(s): Buch     Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): Acquaintance with musical scores and the Italian and German librettos of Mozart.
Equivalent Course(s): TAPS 29102,SCTH 29102

MUSI 24600. Introduction to Computer Music II. 100 Units.

This two-quarter course of study gives students in any discipline the opportunity to explore the techniques and aesthetics of computer-generated/assisted music production. During the first quarter, students learn the basics of digital synthesis, the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI), and programming. These concepts and skills are acquired through lecture, demonstration, reading, and a series of production and programming exercises. Weekly lab tutorials and individual lab time in the department’s computer music studio are in addition to scheduled class time.

Instructor(s): Howard Sandroff     Terms Offered: Winter 2013
Note(s): Meets with Music 24600
Equivalent Course(s): MUSI 24800

MUSI 24800. Introduction to Computer Music II. 100 Units.

This two-quarter course of study gives students in any discipline the opportunity to explore the techniques and aesthetics of computer-generated/assisted music production. During the first quarter, students learn the basics of digital synthesis, the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI), and programming. These concepts and skills are acquired through lecture, demonstration, reading, and a series of production and programming exercises. Weekly lab tutorials and individual lab time in the department’s computer music studio are in addition to scheduled class time.

Instructor(s): Howard Sandroff     Terms Offered: Winter 2013
Note(s): Meets with Music 24600
Equivalent Course(s): MUSI 24600

MUSI 25013. Music and Philosophy. 100 Units.

What is distinctive about a philosophical explanation of musical experience? Through close examination of canonical readings from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, this course will allow us to reflect critically on the ways in which philosophical discourse can inform, distort, deepen, broaden, or even silence our accounts of musical experiences, both past and present. Particular attention will be paid to the ways in which continental philosophers have tried to account for the development of modernist aesthetics since the late nineteenth century.
,Questions we will confront include: Does music, itself, represent anything? How does its meaning (or lack thereof) relate to the meaning of opera libretti, song texts, and programmatic narratives? How does sung music present the human voice? Is music exclusively temporal, or does it have a distinct spatial dimension like architecture? Does its temporality bear any relationship to the temporality of life? Or is music a cryptic language that indicates something we cannot speak or think? Does it express something unique about the memory of human suffering and trauma? And what is music’s relationship to the body, to ecstasy, and to erotic desire?

Instructor(s): Michael Gallope     Terms Offered: Winter 2013
Equivalent Course(s): MUSI 35013

MUSI 25100. Analysis of Music of the Classical Period. 100 Units.

This course focuses on the analysis of music by composers associated with the Viennese classical period, including Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven. Topics include classical phrase structure, standard tonal forms such as sonata-allegro, and basic chromatic harmony. Participants present model compositions and write analytical papers.

Instructor(s): S. Rings     Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): MUSI 15300 or equivalent
Note(s): This course is typically offered in alternate years.

MUSI 25113. Analysis of Music in the Classical Period, 1775-1825. 100 Units.

 This course focuses on the analysis of music by composers associated with the Viennese classical period, including Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven. Topics include classical phrase structure, standard tonal forms such as sonata-allegro, and basic chromatic harmony. Participants present model compositions and write analytical papers.

Instructor(s): Steven Rings     Terms Offered: Winter 2013
Prerequisite(s): Music 15300 or equivalent
Note(s): Meets with Music 25113
Equivalent Course(s): MUSI 30913

MUSI 25200. Analysis of Nineteenth-Century Music. 100 Units.

This course focuses on the tonal language of nineteenth-century European composers, including Schubert, Chopin, Brahms, and Wagner. Students confront analytical problems posed by these composers’ increasing uses of chromaticism and extended forms through both traditional (classical) models of tonal harmony and form, as well as alternative approaches specifically tailored to this repertory. Students present model compositions and write analytical papers.

Instructor(s): P. Steinbeck     Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): MUSI 15300 or equivalent

MUSI 25213-31013. Analysis of 19th-Century Music.

MUSI 25213. Analysis of 19th-Century Music. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): Sarah Iker     Terms Offered: Spring 2013
Equivalent Course(s): MUSI 31013

MUSI 31013. Analysis of 19th-Century Music. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): Sarah Iker     Terms Offered: Spring 2013
Equivalent Course(s): MUSI 25213

MUSI 25300. Analysis of Twentieth-Century Music. 100 Units.

This course introduces theoretical and analytical approaches to twentieth-century music. The core of the course involves learning a new theoretical apparatus—often called "set theory"—and exploring how best to apply that apparatus analytically to pieces by composers such as Schoenberg, Bartók, and Stravinsky. We also explore the relevance of the theoretical models to music outside of the high-modernist canon, including some jazz. The course provides an opportunity to confront some foundational questions regarding what it means to "theorize about music."

Instructor(s): S. Rings     Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): MUSI 15300 or equivalent
Note(s): This course typically is offered in alternate years.

MUSI 25600. Jazz Theory and Improvisation. 100 Units.

This course focuses on the knowledge necessary to improvise over the chord changes of standard jazz tunes. We cover basic terminology and chord symbols, scale-to-chord relationships, connection devices, and turn-around patterns. For the more experienced improviser, we explore alternate chord changes, tritone substitutions, and ornamentations. Using techniques gained in class, students write their own solos on a jazz tune and transcribe solos from recordings.

Instructor(s): M. Bowden     Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): MUSI 15300 or equivalent
Note(s): This course typically is offered in alternate years.

MUSI 25701. Introduction to Cognitive Musicology. 100 Units.

This course surveys recent research in music cognition and cognitive psychology and explores how it can be applied to music scholarship. We begin with a general review of research on categorization, analogy, and inferential systems. This review is paired with close readings of empirical literature drawn from cognitive science, neuroscience, and music psychology, as well as theoretical work in cognitive linguistics and cognitive anthropology. Student projects focus on applications of research in cognitive science to historical musicology, ethnomusicology, music theory, or music analysis. Weekly lab meetings required.

Instructor(s): L. Zbikowski     Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): MUSI 15300 or equivalent. Open to nonmajors with consent of instructor.
Note(s): This course typically is offered in alternate years.
Equivalent Course(s): MUSI 31901

MUSI 25800. Tuning Theory. 100 Units.

This course begins with a description of the logarithmic perception of pitch increments. We then cover the historically important tunings of the diatonic scale-just intonation, Pythagorean and meantone tunings, and twelve-note equal tuning. A parametric representation is described that reveals that the historic tunings are particular members of a general family of diatonic tunings. We also discuss the individual chromatic properties of certain equal tunings, focusing on the tunings of 12, 15, 17, 19, and 31 notes.

Instructor(s): E. Blackwood     Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): Ability to read music
Note(s): This course typically is offered in alternate years.
Equivalent Course(s): MUSI 35800

MUSI 25801. The Analysis of Song. 100 Units.

This course focuses on the art song of the nineteenth century, with special attention to the relationship between tonal structure and song text. Both individual songs and song cycles are considered, with the main emphasis on works by Schubert, Schumann, and Brahms. Student projects include comparative analyses of settings of the same text by different composers, analyses of a song and its later arrangement as an instrumental work, or the analysis and performance of a song.

Instructor(s): L. Zbikowski     Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): MUSI 15300 or equivalent
Note(s): This course typically is offered in alternate years.
Equivalent Course(s): MUSI 31801

MUSI 26100. Introduction to Composition. 100 Units.

This course introduces some of the basic problems in musical composition through a series of simple exercises.

Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): MUSI 14200 or 15300, or equivalent

MUSI 26300-26400. Introduction to Computer Music.

This two-quarter course of study gives students in any discipline the opportunity to explore the techniques and aesthetics of computer-generated/assisted music production. During the first quarter, students learn the basics of digital synthesis, the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI), and programming. These concepts and skills are acquired through lecture, demonstration, reading, and a series of production and programming exercises. Weekly lab tutorials and individual lab time in the department’s computer music studio are in addition to scheduled class time.

MUSI 26300. Introduction to Computer Music. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): H. Sandroff     Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor. Rudimentary musical skills (but not technical knowledge) required.
Note(s): Basic Macintosh skills helpful. This course is offered in alternate years.
Equivalent Course(s): MUSI 34700

MUSI 26400. Introduction to Computer Music. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): H. Sandroff     Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor. Rudimentary musical skills (but not technical knowledge) required.
Note(s): Basic Macintosh skills helpful. This course is offered in alternate years.
Equivalent Course(s): MUSI 34800

MUSI 26413. Modernist Movements: Stravinsky-Balanchine, Cage-Cunningham, and Others. 100 Units.

Focusing on the work of the two most celebrated composer—choreographer teams in the twentieth-century United States—Igor Stravinsky and George Balanchine, John Cage and Merce Cunningham—this course will explore modernist choreomusicalities—i.e., relationships between music and dance—and their historical, cultural, and aesthetic contexts and implications. Following a quick overview of some influential predecessors (Duncan and various then dead canonical composers, Stravinsky and Nijinsky, Graham and Copland), we will view and read about choreographies ranging from Balanchine’s first ballet created in the U.S. (Serenade, 1934, to the eponymous music of Chaikovsky), Cage and Cunningham’s early “expressive” dances, two of the three Stravinsky-Balanchine “Greek” ballets (Apollo and Agon), and the chance-derived Cage-Cunningham Suite for Five all the way up to Cunningham’s chance-dependent 2003 collaboration with Radiohead and Sigur Rós, Split Sides. We will conclude with a brief examination of dance that is often labeled as postmodernist, including that of choreographers from the Judson Dance Theater, Mark Morris, and William Forsythe.
,While exploring the formal, historical, and theoretical aspects of these collaborations, our ultimate goal will be to figure out what constitutes persuasive description of and discussion about the interaction between dance and music, two especially fugitive arts. We will read critics and scholars who have attempted to meet this challenge, and we will attempt it ourselves in several shared low-stakes response papers. In addition to our writing (including a final paper) and readings—not only from dance and music studies but also performance, American, modernist, art/visual, and gender/sexuality studies—we will view a considerable amount of video, likely attend a live performance together, and possibly even dance a bit ourselves.

Instructor(s): Daniel Callahan     Terms Offered: Winter 2013
Note(s): Meets with Music 26413
Equivalent Course(s): MUSI 36413

MUSI 26800. Sixteenth-Century Counterpoint. 100 Units.

This course is an introduction to the theory, analysis, and composition of modal counterpoint using texts that uses examples by sixteenth-century theorists (i.e., Zarlino) and composers (i.e., Josquin, Lassus, Palestrina). Techniques include cantus firmus, canon, and modal mixture. Students read sources, analyze passages, and compose (and improvise) counterpoint in two to four parts.

Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): MUSI 15300 or equivalent
Note(s): This course typically is offered in alternate years.

MUSI 26900. Eighteenth-Century Counterpoint. 100 Units.

This is a practical course for learning the art of fugue writing that concentrates on writing different types of fugues and on short pieces involving different types of imitation. The material is based on Bach's The Well-Tempered Clavier, Goldberg Variations, Das Musikalische Opfer, and Die Kunst der Fuge.

Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): MUSI 15300 or equivalent
Note(s): This course typically is offered in alternate years.

MUSI 27100-27200-27300. Topics in the History of Western Music.

This sequence is a three-quarter investigation into Western art music, with primary emphasis on the vocal and instrumental repertories of Western Europe and the United States.

MUSI 27100. Topics in the History of Western Music. 100 Units.

MUSI 27100 begins with the earliest notated music and considers monophonic liturgical chant and the development of sacred and secular vocal polyphony through the sixteenth century.

Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): MUSI 14200 or 15300. Open to nonmajors with consent of instructor.

MUSI 27200. Topics in the History of Western Music. 100 Units.

MUSI 27200 addresses topics in music from 1600 to 1800, including opera, sacred music, the emergence of instrumental genres, the codification of tonality, and the Viennese classicism of Haydn and Mozart.

Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): MUSI 14200 or 15300. Open to nonmajors with consent of instructor.

MUSI 27300. Topics in the History of Western Music. 100 Units.

MUSI 27300 treats music since 1800. Topics include the music of Beethoven and his influence on later composers; the rise of public concerts, German opera, programmatic instrumental music, and nationalist trends; the confrontation with modernism; and the impact of technology on the expansion of musical boundaries.

Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): MUSI 14200 or 15300. Open to nonmajors with consent of instructor.

MUSI 28200. Multiple-Media Composition. 100 Units.

Equivalent Course(s): MUSI 38200

MUSI 28500. Musicianship Skills. 100 Units.

This is a yearlong course in ear training, keyboard progressions, realization of figured basses at the keyboard, and reading of chamber and orchestral scores. Classes each week consist of one dictation lab (sixty minutes long) and one keyboard lab (thirty minutes long).

Instructor(s): A. Briggs     Terms Offered: Autumn, Winter, Spring
Prerequisite(s): MUSI 15300. Open only to students who are majoring in music.
Note(s): 100 units credit is granted only after successful completion of the year's work.

MUSI 29500. Undergraduate Honors Seminar. 100 Units.

The seminar guides students through the preliminary stages of selecting and refining a topic, and provides an interactive forum for presenting and discussing the early stages of research, conceptualization, and writing. The course culminates in the presentation of a paper that serves as the foundation of the honors thesis. The instructors work closely with honors project supervisors, who may be drawn from the entire music faculty.

Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor. Open only to fourth-year students who are majoring in music and wish to develop a research project and prepare it for submission for departmental honors.

MUSI 29700. Independent Study in Music. 100 Units.

This course is intended for students who wish to pursue specialized readings in music or to do advanced work in composition.

Terms Offered: Autumn, Winter, Spring
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor and director of undergraduate studies
Note(s): Students are required to submit the College Reading and Research Consent Form.

MUSI 29900. Senior Essay or Composition. 100 Units.

Terms Offered: Autumn, Winter, Spring
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor and director of undergraduate studies
Note(s): Students are required to submit the College Reading and Research Consent Form.

MUSI 30913. Analysis of Music in the Classical Period, 1775-1825. 100 Units.

 This course focuses on the analysis of music by composers associated with the Viennese classical period, including Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven. Topics include classical phrase structure, standard tonal forms such as sonata-allegro, and basic chromatic harmony. Participants present model compositions and write analytical papers.

Instructor(s): Steven Rings     Terms Offered: Winter 2013
Prerequisite(s): Music 15300 or equivalent
Note(s): Meets with Music 25113
Equivalent Course(s): MUSI 25113

MUSI 31300. Analysis of 20th-Century Music. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): Steven Rings     Terms Offered: Spring 2013

MUSI 31801. The Analysis of Song. 100 Units.

This course focuses on the art song of the nineteenth century, with special attention to the relationship between tonal structure and song text. Both individual songs and song cycles are considered, with the main emphasis on works by Schubert, Schumann, and Brahms. Student projects include comparative analyses of settings of the same text by different composers, analyses of a song and its later arrangement as an instrumental work, or the analysis and performance of a song.

Instructor(s): L. Zbikowski     Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): MUSI 15300 or equivalent
Note(s): This course typically is offered in alternate years.
Equivalent Course(s): MUSI 25801

MUSI 31901. Introduction to Cognitive Musicology. 100 Units.

This course surveys recent research in music cognition and cognitive psychology and explores how it can be applied to music scholarship. We begin with a general review of research on categorization, analogy, and inferential systems. This review is paired with close readings of empirical literature drawn from cognitive science, neuroscience, and music psychology, as well as theoretical work in cognitive linguistics and cognitive anthropology. Student projects focus on applications of research in cognitive science to historical musicology, ethnomusicology, music theory, or music analysis. Weekly lab meetings required.

Instructor(s): L. Zbikowski     Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): MUSI 15300 or equivalent. Open to nonmajors with consent of instructor.
Note(s): This course typically is offered in alternate years.
Equivalent Course(s): MUSI 25701

MUSI 32200. Proseminar: Music to 1300. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): Anne Robertson     Terms Offered: Spring 2013

MUSI 32400. Proseminar: Music from 1450-1600. 100 Units.

This course examines issues and contexts for European music in the period, concentrating on cultural meaning, transmission, improvisation, and sources. Students will do work with digital editions of Renaissance music, interactions between Europe and the Americas, and problems of gender and music.

Instructor(s): Robert Kendrick     Terms Offered: Winter 2013

MUSI 32800. Proseminar: Music from 1900-2000. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): Seth Brodsky     Terms Offered: Winter 2013

MUSI 33300. Introduction to the Social and Cultural Study of Music. 100 Units.

This course provides an introduction to ethnomusicology and related disciplines with an emphasis on the methods and contemporary practice of social and cultural analysis. The course reviews a broad selection of writing on non-Western, popular, vernacular, and "world-music" genres from a historical and theoretical perspective, clarifying key analytical terms (i.e., "culture," "subculture," "style," "ritual," "globalization") and methods (i.e., ethnography, semiotics, psychoanalysis, Marxism). In the last part of the course, students learn and develop component skills of fieldwork documentation and ethnographic writing.

Terms Offered: Autumn
Note(s): Prior music course and ability to read music notation not required.
Equivalent Course(s): MUSI 23300

MUSI 33503. Introduction to the Musical Folklore of Central Asia. 100 Units.

This course explores the musical traditions of the peoples of Central Asia, both in terms of historical development and cultural significance. Topics include the music of the epic tradition, the use of music for healing, instrumental genres, and Central Asian folk and classical traditions. Basic field methods for ethnomusicology are also covered. Extensive use is made of recordings of musical performances and of live performances in the area.

Instructor(s): K. Arik     Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): Knowledge of Arabic and/or Islamic studies helpful but not required
Equivalent Course(s): NEHC 20765,ANTH 25905,EEUR 23400,EEUR 33400,MUSI 23503

MUSI 33513. Musical Performances of Race/Gender/Sexuality. Units.

This course explores the relationships between race, sexuality, and gender in the context of musical performances. Understanding categories of race, gender, and sexuality as intersectional, we will explore the various ways that people construct their subjectivities and organize around issues of race, class, gender, and sexuality. Within each of these categories, multiple subjectivities emerge, allowing for us to investigate how different embodied experiences condition divergent perspectives.

Structures of race, gender, and sexuality exist within broader systems of power and are not uniform. Thus we will explore various case studies from world musical cultures, contextualizing the historical and cultural parameters. Through locally grounded case studies we will investigate race, gender, and sexuality as embedded within hierarchical power structures. Moving beyond myopic interpretations of power and resistance, we begin with understanding conceptions of the self and ideological parameters as emergent, shifting, and continuously re-performed. We ask how people respond to the global phenomena of colonialism, neocolonialism, racism, sexism, capitalism, HIV/AIDS, and other forms of oppression through musical performance. Musical performance provides a fruitful ground for unearthing the subversive potentialities of both articulated and unarticulated resistance movements.

The literature of the course draws from multiple bodies of feminist theory such as Black feminist thought, postcolonial feminisms, poststructuralist feminism, and global feminist perspectives. We will also utilize theoretical frameworks that provide a lens for exploring identity politics such as critical race theory and queer theory. As we seek to untangle issues of musical performance, embodiment, movement, and representation, we will draw from ethnomusicology, performance studies, postmodern anthropology, and postcolonial theory. We will draw linkages between the various bodies of literature, examining the entry points for investigating race, gender, and sexuality as performed categories of being. These theoretical positions serve to inform our studies; I ask students to reintegrate their area studies interests through these theoretical perspectives.

Noting that race, gender, and sexuality are not only academic discourses, but political positions as well, we will consider conversations outside of the academy as authorities. This includes poetry, art, theater, literature, film, music, ethnography, and everyday life. Going further, we will problematize the structures of power that authorize certain discourses as legitimate and authorial while marginalizing others.

Instructor(s): Sidra Lawrence     Terms Offered: Winter 2013
Note(s): Meets with Music 23513
Equivalent Course(s): CRES 23513,MUSI 23513

MUSI 33613. Popular Culture in the Middle East and North Africa. 100 Units.

This course remaps popular culture of the contemporary Middle East and North Africa (MENA) in light of ongoing uprisings in this region. Expressive practices create senses of community at the same time that they may reinforce political and religious differences. Engaging popular culture as a means to identify newly emerging publics across the region, we will theorize the intersection of aesthetics, politicsm and religion, such as how Islamists turn to art for political and mobilizational purposes. We will utilize social media and theorize its role in disseminating creative practices. This course will develop historical and theoretical perspectives on materials ranging from literature and satirical comedy to protest song and slogans, including hiphop, dabke, and other forms of Arab street culture.

Instructor(s): Shayna Silverstein     Terms Offered: Winter 2013
Note(s): Meets with Music 23613
Equivalent Course(s): MUSI 23613,NEHC 23613

MUSI 33800. Ethnomusicology Proseminar. 100 Units.

The sea change through which musical scholarship has passed at the beginning of the twenty-first century would be unthinkable without the sweeping influences of ethnomusicology. Once thought to concern itself with the music of the Other, whether the cultures outside Europe or the social conditions of the rural and disadvantaged in Western society, ethnomusicology is now a comprehensive discipline at the center of musical scholarship. Ethnomusicological research enjoys a global reach, and it generates methods and theories that serve both the humanities and the social sciences. Ethnomusicology courses have also moved from the margins to the center of university music programs, where those courses are increasingly critical for all students, undergraduate and postgraduate. This dramatic rerouting of the intellectual history of musical scholarship will provide the road map that we follow through the “Proseminar in Ethnomusicology” in 2013.

Ethnomusicology in the twenty-first century also claims an historical longue durée that stretches across continents and cultures, providing us with the point of departure in the early weeks of the proseminar. In the first sessions we consider the history and historiography of ethnomusicology. Beginning with concepts of ontology and origins in music—the shaping of music’s multiple and culturally situated identities—we explore the ways in which encounter, collection, and analysis developed in such ways that music could have multiple forms as an object. The formation of repertories and genres that lent themselves to ethnomusicological study and theoretical formulation (e.g., Johann Gottfried Herder’s Volkslieder, “folk songs,” in the late eighteenth century, and the transnational appropriation of world music through the mass media in the late twentieth century) provide a common thread unifying the first part of the proseminar.

With the sessions in the second part of the course we navigate the present and move toward the future, where we explore the complex disciplinarity of ethnomusicology. The critical methodological presence of fieldwork and ethnography guide us into the themes of the second part. In the final weeks we turn toward the disciplinary directions of the new ethnomusicology at the turn of the present century, when ethnomusicological interest global popular music and sound studies led to further expansion of ethnomusicology as a field, which nonetheless meant that ethnomusicologists would different aesthetic and ethical questions as they entered new domains of the human sciences.

Graduate students in all subdisciplines of the Music Department are welcome to take this proseminar. Students from across the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Divinity, especially those whose studies involve area studies and the affective and expressive presence of the arts in culture, are similarly welcome to take the Proseminar in Ethnomusicology.

Instructor(s): Philip Bohlman     Terms Offered: Winter 2013

MUSI 33900. Music Anthropology. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): Travis Jackson     Terms Offered: Spring 2013

MUSI 33911. Jewish Music. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): Philip Bohlman     Terms Offered: Spring 2013
Equivalent Course(s): MUSI 23911

MUSI 34600. Orchestration. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): Cliff Colnot     Terms Offered: Winter 2013, Spring 2013

MUSI 34700-34800. Introduction to Computer Music.

This two-quarter course of study gives students in any discipline the opportunity to explore the techniques and aesthetics of computer-generated/assisted music production. During the first quarter, students learn the basics of digital synthesis, the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI), and programming. These concepts and skills are acquired through lecture, demonstration, reading, and a series of production and programming exercises. Weekly lab tutorials and individual lab time in the department’s computer music studio are in addition to scheduled class time.

MUSI 34700. Introduction to Computer Music. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): H. Sandroff     Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor. Rudimentary musical skills (but not technical knowledge) required.
Note(s): Basic Macintosh skills helpful. This course is offered in alternate years.
Equivalent Course(s): MUSI 26300

MUSI 34800. Introduction to Computer Music. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): H. Sandroff     Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor. Rudimentary musical skills (but not technical knowledge) required.
Note(s): Basic Macintosh skills helpful. This course is offered in alternate years.
Equivalent Course(s): MUSI 26400

MUSI 35013. Music and Philosophy. 100 Units.

What is distinctive about a philosophical explanation of musical experience? Through close examination of canonical readings from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, this course will allow us to reflect critically on the ways in which philosophical discourse can inform, distort, deepen, broaden, or even silence our accounts of musical experiences, both past and present. Particular attention will be paid to the ways in which continental philosophers have tried to account for the development of modernist aesthetics since the late nineteenth century.

Questions we will confront include: Does music, itself, represent anything? How does its meaning (or lack thereof) relate to the meaning of opera libretti, song texts, and programmatic narratives? How does sung music present the human voice? Is music exclusively temporal, or does it have a distinct spatial dimension like architecture? Does its temporality bear any relationship to the temporality of life? Or is music a cryptic language that indicates something we cannot speak or think? Does it express something unique about the memory of human suffering and trauma? And what is music’s relationship to the body, to ecstasy, and to erotic desire?

Instructor(s): Michael Gallope     Terms Offered: Winter 2013
Equivalent Course(s): MUSI 25013

MUSI 35800. Tuning Theory. 100 Units.

This course begins with a description of the logarithmic perception of pitch increments. We then cover the historically important tunings of the diatonic scale-just intonation, Pythagorean and meantone tunings, and twelve-note equal tuning. A parametric representation is described that reveals that the historic tunings are particular members of a general family of diatonic tunings. We also discuss the individual chromatic properties of certain equal tunings, focusing on the tunings of 12, 15, 17, 19, and 31 notes.

Instructor(s): E. Blackwood     Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): Ability to read music
Note(s): This course typically is offered in alternate years.
Equivalent Course(s): MUSI 25800

MUSI 36413. Modernist Movements: Stravinsky-Balanchine, Cage-Cunningham, and Others. 100 Units.

Focusing on the work of the two most celebrated composer—choreographer teams in the twentieth-century United States—Igor Stravinsky and George Balanchine, John Cage and Merce Cunningham—this course will explore modernist choreomusicalities—i.e., relationships between music and dance—and their historical, cultural, and aesthetic contexts and implications. Following a quick overview of some influential predecessors (Duncan and various then dead canonical composers, Stravinsky and Nijinsky, Graham and Copland), we will view and read about choreographies ranging from Balanchine’s first ballet created in the U.S. (Serenade, 1934, to the eponymous music of Chaikovsky), Cage and Cunningham’s early “expressive” dances, two of the three Stravinsky-Balanchine “Greek” ballets (Apollo and Agon), and the chance-derived Cage-Cunningham Suite for Five all the way up to Cunningham’s chance-dependent 2003 collaboration with Radiohead and Sigur Rós, Split Sides. We will conclude with a brief examination of dance that is often labeled as postmodernist, including that of choreographers from the Judson Dance Theater, Mark Morris, and William Forsythe.

While exploring the formal, historical, and theoretical aspects of these collaborations, our ultimate goal will be to figure out what constitutes persuasive description of and discussion about the interaction between dance and music, two especially fugitive arts. We will read critics and scholars who have attempted to meet this challenge, and we will attempt it ourselves in several shared low-stakes response papers. In addition to our writing (including a final paper) and readings—not only from dance and music studies but also performance, American, modernist, art/visual, and gender/sexuality studies—we will view a considerable amount of video, likely attend a live performance together, and possibly even dance a bit ourselves.

Instructor(s): Daniel Callahan     Terms Offered: Winter 2013
Note(s): Meets with Music 26413
Equivalent Course(s): MUSI 26413

MUSI 36900. Twelve-Tone Counterpoint. 100 Units.

The course is specifically designed for graduate composers. The aim of the course is to acquaint the students with 12-tone polyphony, in strict and free dodecaphonic writing.

Emphasis is put on strict 12-tone polyphonic writing in all principal species as well as in more advanced forms of two- and three- part miniatures and inventions. Also, the course will explore in depth more extended types of dodecaphonic writing.

Instructor(s): Marta Ptaszynska     Terms Offered: Winter 2013

MUSI 37200. History of Music Theory. 100 Units.

This course explores topics in the history of music theory from the seventeenth through twentieth centuries (with excursions into the sixteenth and twenty-first centuries as necessary). We will focus on a range of topics, including

  • scientific empiricism and music theory
  • musical rhetoric
  • the transition from modal to tonal thinking
  • the partimento tradition
  • harmonic theory in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
  • theories of modulation and tonality
  • theories of form
  • theories of musical rhythm
  • hermeneutic and semiotic approaches to musical analysis
Although secondary literature on these topics will be an important part of the assigned readings, our focus will be on primary sources. Not all of these have been translated, and so a reading knowledge of French and German will be useful. (Of course, secondary sources may be in either of these languages as well.)

In addition to doing the readings and participating in class discussion, students will make a short presentation on conceptual material relevant to the course and complete two brief analysis assignments. There will be a final exam similar in design to the theory essay exams given during comprehensives.

Instructor(s): Lawrence Zbikowski     Terms Offered: Winter 2013

MUSI 38000. Orchestral Conducting. 100 Units.

This year-long course provides an introduction to the art, the craft, and the practice of orchestral conducting. The course is targeted particularly toward graduate students in Music Composition, and toward experienced musicians familiar with the basic orchestral repertoire as well as the fundamental procedures of orchestral playing. Ideally, all students enrolled in the course should have had several years’ experience playing in a symphony orchestra or other musical ensemble. Proficiency in sight-reading and ear-training, as well as basic keyboard skills, are prerequisites for the course, but will not be specifically included in the curriculum.

Through a combination of classroom work and extra ensemble sessions, the student will gain significant practical experience in conducting. Weekly classroom sessions will incorporate singing, keyboard work, and instrumental participation by class members and guest musicians. Important technical exercises will be assigned every week, as well as modest reading selections. Periodic ensemble sessions will involve small groups of eight to twelve players, and occasionally as many as twenty or thirty players. Several short papers and classroom presentations will be assigned each quarter, in conjunction with the background readings and classroom work. In all, the goal is to develop an understanding and appreciation of the serious responsibilities and the creative possibilities linked to the conductor’s role, as well as to promote a basic proficiency in the craft of conducting.

Instructor(s): Barbara Schubert     Terms Offered: Autumn 2012, Winter 2013, Spring 2013
Note(s): The overall work load of the course is commensurate with a one-third course load per quarter. Students receive course credit only upon completion of the entire year’s work. Students should register for the course in all three quarters; they will receive an ‘R’ in autumn and winter, and a final grade in the spring.

MUSI 38200. Multiple-Media Composition. 100 Units.

Equivalent Course(s): MUSI 28200

MUSI 39113. Lohengrin Laboratory: Opera, Dramaturgy, and Stage Practice. 100 Units.

In 2014, the International Contemporary Ensemble (ICE) will stage a production of Salvatore Sciarrino's Lohengrin directed by Majel Connery, Executive Director of Opera Cabal, an experimental opera company based in New York City and Chicago. This team-taught, interdisciplinary seminar will serve as a laboratory for the production. The first half of the class explores in depth the work’s genesis (Wagner’s opera, Lohengrin) and subsequent adaptation (a short story by Symbolist poet Jules Laforgue which, in turn, is re-adapted for opera by Sciarrino). As a class we will cultivate a fluency with the theoretical stakes of these multiple Lohengrins (including Alain Badiou’s and Adorno’s writings on Wagner, Michel Poizat on voice, and Slavoj Žižek/Mladen Dolar on opera, voice and the gaze) in order, finally, to develop a suite of mini-Lohengrins—group-based scenic reflections and solutions.

Instructor(s): Majel Connery and David Levin     Terms Offered: Winter 2013
Note(s): No previous experience staging opera is expected, although an interest in exploring the intersection of textual exegesis, conceptual analysis, and stage practice is essential. Students with an interest in any of the following are especially welcome: contemporary music, performance theory, dramaturgy, design, and/or directing.

MUSI 41500. Dissertation Proposal Seminar. 100 Units.

The purpose of this seminar is to assist students (typically in their third year) in crafting a dissertation proposal, gaining critical feedback from their peers, and honing compelling research projects. The meeting schedule of the seminar will be flexible: beginning in the fourth week of Autumn term, we will meet about once every two weeks; it may be, however, that we pick up the tempo a bit during Winter term, such that during Spring term we can slow it down a bit to allow students more time to work with their advisors on the formulation of their research projects.

Once I know the schedule of the Department workshops I will schedule the meetings of the DPS to avoid conflicts with classes, workshops and other events, and distribute an initial assignment for reading and discussion.

Instructor(s): Lawrence Zbikowski     Terms Offered: Autumn 2012, Winter 2013, Spring 2013
Note(s): Participants will include students in Ethnomusicology and History/Theory who are writing dissertation proposals, as well as Composition students working on a Minor Field Paper.

MUSI 42113. The Silence of Music. 100 Units.

Music is always far more than sound, for it ceaselessly strives to be more than itself. It is be-cause music pushes beyond the bounds of the sonic that the aesthetic, sacred, and political accrue it, affording it the multiple conditions of power. During the course of this seminar we examine the metaphysics and ontologies of music in ways that allow us to respond to music in its frightening fullness, the silence that, at once, can result either from the absence of sound or from the deafening impact of music in the service of power. The silence of music embodies multiple meanings, ranging from the absence of being to the negation of being. If concepts of music privilege the soundedness of music, the themes we explore in the seminar draw us into a counterintuitive way of understanding how music comes into being and what kinds of cultural work it mobilizes. We seek ways to identity and understand the conditions of music that lie beyond sound, experiencing music not just as “humanly organized sound,” one of the standard definitional strategies of ethnomusicology, and making a disciplinary move that stretches beyond the limits of even those new academic formations, among them “sound studies,” that still approach sound as if it is a given in the perception of music.

We begin the seminar by broadening the aesthetic considerations brought to bear on music, drawing from Western and non-Western musical thought, as well as the aesthetic use of mu-sic in religious traditions throughout history. We modulate from myth to history by turning to historical considerations that arose from the encounter unleashed by the Age of Discovery. Midway through the seminar we introduce additional aesthetic registers by turning to the body as a site of response and perception, not simply as a means of sound production. Following its affective emergence, however, the body falls victim to the full force of modernity, the genocides that calibrate our own age. Revival with its musical and sacred meanings, bring us in the final weeks to our inconclusive conclusion, the history of the present that a multidisciplinary musical scholarship makes possible. The individual themes we trace during the weeks of the seminar afford us possibilities to follow distinctive historical paths, alternatives to the silencing impact of a hegemonic Western music history. The religio-aesthetic foundations of the seminar lie in the renewing forces of ontology, eschatology, and soteriology, which give us new ways of listening beyond sound to experience musical meaning.

Instructor(s): Philip Bohlman     Terms Offered: Winter 2013
Note(s): Graduate students in all disciplines of Music are welcome to take this seminar. Students from other departments, especially those for which the aesthetics, politics, and sacred meanings of music play a significant role, are similarly welcome to take the seminar.

MUSI 42913. Music and Nationalism in Modern Portugal. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): Salwah Castelo-Branco     Terms Offered: Spring 2013

MUSI 43013. Case Studies in the Postwar Avant-Garde. 100 Units.

This seminar will tack between two weaving paths: first, an engagement with some of the most important actors in postwar European composition; and second, an introduction to the work of psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan and his recent readers, and its musical application.

The first, and substantially wider path entails an exploration of issues in postwar European modernism via four of its most established, influential, and idiosyncratic composers: Italy’s Luciano Berio (1925-2003), Hungary’s György Ligeti (1923-2006), and Germany’s Helmut Lachenmann (b. 1935) and Wolfgang Rihm (b. 1952). Disparate in style and technique, allegiant to different aesthetic and political traditions, they nonetheless share some “elective affinities,” in particular their (not entirely avowed) sympathy with T.W. Adorno’s Gordian Knot of a claim that “art must be and wants to be utopia,” but simultaneously “will not allow itself to be utopia”. In the course of our explorations, we’ll become intimately acquainted not only with the works, but also the discursive world (essays, interviews, analyses) of each of these composers. We’ll also look closely at the work of Adorno and its complicated influence on these composers, concentrating in particular on writings from the long decade after his return to Germany.

At the same time, this seminar will also provide some strategically awry perspectives on its material via theories and concepts from Lacanian psychoanalysis, both through Lacan and others (Žižek, Fink, Verhaege, et al.). We’ll concentrate particularly on the Lacanian notion of fantasy, and its promising capacity for bridging the psychic, ideological, and music-analytic registers of the texts taken up. How, for instance, can the “impossible relationship” between art and utopia staged in Adorno’s writings be read with (and not simply onto!) the stagings of similarly impossible relationships between stasis and articulation in Ligeti; object and gloss in Berio; form and hunt in Rihm; tone and noise in Lachenmann? And how might these stagings reveal the entanglement of the composer’s political/cultural arena and writing desk?

Instructor(s): Seth Brodsky     Terms Offered: Winter 2013

MUSI 43113. Tonalité 100 Units.

In 1832, the Belgium musicologist Joseph-Francois Fétis presented a public lecture in Paris in which he elaborated an ambitious theory of musical “tonalité.” Although the details of his theory were heavily disputed over the next decades by scholars, Fétis’s terminology nonetheless proved indispensable, one that we continue to use—and argue about—to this day.

In this seminar, I want to use Fétis’s writings as a jumping-off point in order to consider many of the wider ramifications that the concept of tonality had in a variety of musical sub-fields in the 19th century (with occasional nods towards 20th-century scholarship). We will explore four main areas: historical musicology, ethnomusicology, music theory, and composition.

1. Fétis’s rigid bifurcation of music into “modern tonality” and “plain-chant tonality” (a division that he pinned precisely at the year 1605), led to a vigorous debate among scholars regarding the empirical semiotics of tonality. In particular, scholars who were then beginning to study Gregorian chant as part of the nascent chant-reform movement (de la Fage, Danjou, d’Ortigue) argued about the nature of ecclesiastical modality (with important implications to their reading and editing of chant and early polyphony). Fétis’s theory was also critical to the historiography of music in the 19th century, with its quasi-Hegelian trajectory of tonal consciousness over time pointing tantalizingly to its future development.

2. A number of scholars in the 19th century began to turn their attention to the vernacular and popular songs of the Middle Ages (e.g. Coussemaker, Tiersot, Kiesewetter), finding in this music remarkable premonitions of modern tonality. A question arose, then, whether modern tonality as we know it had secular origins that long predated Fétis’s cutoff date. (The answer was not obvious, since many of these same scholars claimed to find latent modal tendencies in the repertoire of the popular Chanson that they were then collecting and analyzing.)

3. At the same time, a few musicologists were beginning to look at the music of many non-Western cultures (particularly Arabic and East Asian). Problems about the nature of their “tonalities” raised intriguing possibilities about the existence of a “universal” origin for music, as well as more Orientalist prejudices regarding the evolution of music from “primitive” tonalities.

4. It’s not surprising that many theorists took a turn in this debate. We will look at their research into the sub-disciplines of harmony, music psychology, tuning theory, and acoustics by which tonality was reified. Fétis’s reception by German theorists such as Riemann will also be considered. Not to be left out are some of the more eccentric tonal theories of the time penned by an odd assortment of mystics, theosophists, numerologists, and Orientalists.

5. Finally, we will want to spend some time looking at the implications of this wide-ranging debate upon composers. Many composers of the 19th century were acutely aware of the work of their scholarly compatriots and responded to it in their music. (Liszt is perhaps the supreme example, with his late experimental works such as the “Bagatelle without tonality”). More to the point, the “tonality of the future” of Wagner, with it stimulating chromaticism and modulatory excess, posed a special political challenge to French artists, one that was often approached in two ways: either through capitulation (Saint-Saens, d’Indy) or by a retreat into a kind of idealized Gothic modalism—the latter mocked by Richard Taruskin as “getting rid of the glue.” In short, an acute self-consciousness of “tonality” both past and present, French or German, Western or not, proved to be an important stimulant (or constraint) to many composers of the later 19th century.

Instructor(s): Thomas Christensen     Terms Offered: Winter 2013
Note(s): Many of the readings we will look at are in English, although a number of them will also be in French. So it is advisable that you have some ability in French if you plan to register for this class. A single seminar paper will be due at the end of the quarter.

MUSI 43713. Relational Musicology. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): Nicholas Cook     Terms Offered: Spring 2013

MUSI 44713. Music and Death in 17th-Century Europe. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): Robert Kendrick     Terms Offered: Spring 2013

MUSI 45313. Power Plays: Opera and Politics, ca. 1750-1800. 100 Units.

The second half of the 18th century was a time of intense interest in the psychological effects of music, in the effects of pleasure on subjectivity, and in politics. This course deals with the political context of opera and vice versa between Rousseau’ Letter on French Music (1753) and the French revolution and the deaths of Mozart and Gustav III in the early 1790s. The main objective is to try out different ways of connecting music drama and political power, partly by reading operas as reflections on political issues and topics, partly by exploring various conceptions of power in light of music history. France and Gustavian Sweden provide two spectacular case studies, but we will be discussing a broad operatic repertoire – and a whole spectre of ways of writing histories of music and culture. The course will be based on recent literature, operas from Rousseau via Gluck and Haydn to Kraus and Mozart, as well as contemporary texts, such as Rousseau’s Letter, Charles Burney’s travel journals, reviews, and essays on the effects and politics of music.

Instructor(s): Erling Sverdrup Sandmo     Terms Offered: Winter 2013

MUSI 45513. Boulez. 100 Units.

Instructor(s): Martin Zenck     Terms Offered: Spring 2013

MUSI 99999. Music and whatever. 100 Units.

Terms Offered: Autumn, not offered in 2012–13

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