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Catalog Home › The College › Programs of Study › Visual Arts
Contacts | Program of Study | Program Requirements | Summary of Requirements | Grading | Honors | Minor Program in the Department of Visual Arts | Courses
Director of Undergraduate Studies: Laura Letinsky
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Assoc. Director, Student Affairs: Alison LaTendresse
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The Department of Visual Arts (DOVA) is concerned with the making of art as a vehicle for exploring creativity, expression, perception, and the constructed world. Whether students take courses listed under ARTV to meet a general education requirement or as part of a major in visual arts, the goal is that they will develop communicative, analytical, and expressive skills through the process of artistic production. ARTV 10100 Visual Language: On Images, ARTV 10200 Visual Language: On Objects, and ARTV 10300 Visual Language: On Time and Space are intended for students with no studio background and meet the general education requirement in the dramatic, musical, and visual arts. More advanced courses presume that students have taken at least one of these three courses. (See individual course listings for specific prerequisites.)
The following courses introduce visual communication through the manipulation of various traditional and nonart materials and also include readings and visits to local museums and galleries. These courses engage principles of visual language stressing the relationship of form and meaning.
ARTV 10100 | Visual Language: On Images | 100 |
ARTV 10200 | Visual Language: On Objects | 100 |
ARTV 10300 | Visual Language: On Time and Space | 100 |
ARTV 15000 Art Practice and Theory, which is primarily intended for students majoring or minoring in visual arts, examines the place of artistic practice in contemporary culture.
ARTV courses numbered 20000 to 29700 include media specific courses that teach technical skills and provide a conceptual framework for working in these media (e.g., painting, photography, sculpture, video). Also included are more advanced studio courses designed to investigate the vast array of objects, spaces, and ideas embedded in the contemporary artistic landscape, selected nonstudio courses in the theory and criticism of art, and courses in theater and set design.
Students in other fields of study may also complete a minor in visual arts. Information follows the description of the major.
The BA program in the Department of Visual Arts is intended for students interested in the practice and study of art. DOVA's faculty consists of a core of artists and other humanists interested in making and thinking about art. Students who major in visual arts take an individually arranged program of studio, lecture, and seminar courses that may include some courses outside the Humanities Collegiate Division. The program seeks to foster understanding of art from several perspectives: the practice and intention of the creator, the visual conventions employed, and the perception and critical reception of the audience. In addition to work in the studio, these aims may require study of many other subjects, including but not limited to art history, intellectual history, criticism, and aesthetics. Because of the diversity of student interests and the department's interdisciplinary orientation, requirements for the major are flexible.
All students take ARTV 10100 Visual Language: On Images, ARTV 10200 Visual Language: On Objects, or ARTV 10300 Visual Language: On Time and Space, and ARTV 15000 Art Practice and Theory in the first two years of their studies. (NOTE: Students majoring in visual arts cannot use an ARTV course to meet the general education requirement in the dramatic, musical, and visual arts.) After completing these core courses but no later than Winter Quarter of their third year, students meet with the Director of Undergraduate Studies to plan the rest of their program. At least five of the courses beyond the core must be drawn from the second level of predominantly studio-oriented offerings (studio art courses numbered 20000 and above). The remaining three courses may be any intellectually consistent combination of visual arts studio courses, visual arts critical and theory courses, and any other relevant offerings in the College. Up to two independent study courses that are relevant to the major may be counted toward these three electives. (For more information, consult the sample programs of study that follow.)
Students take ARTV 29600 Junior Seminar in Spring Quarter of their third year. This studio seminar examines approaches to independent studio projects. At the end of the Junior Seminar, students may choose to apply for the visual arts honors track. Places in the honors track are limited. Applicants will be reviewed by a faculty committee at the end of their third year, and honors track decisions will be announced before the start of the Autumn Quarter of fourth year. Students in the honors track present their work in a thesis exhibition and may be eligible to receive shared studio space in their senior year; studio space and the exhibition are limited to students in the honors track. (See “Honors” section below for more details.)
All visual arts majors must take ARTV 29850 Senior Seminar in the Autumn Quarter of their fourth year. Students may register and receive credit for ARTV 29900 Senior Project in the Winter or Spring Quarter of their fourth year, but to meet the requirements of this final class, they must attend biweekly critique sessions throughout the Winter and Spring Quarters. The grade for ARTV 29900 Senior Project is recorded at the end of the Spring Quarter of the fourth year. For students in the honors track, ARTV 29850 Senior Seminar and ARTV 29900 Senior Project serve as a forum to prepare for the thesis exhibition in the spring. (See “Honors” section below for more details.)
General Education | ||
Introductory art history, drama, or music course * | 100 | |
Total Units | 100 |
Major | ||
One of the following: | 100 | |
Visual Language: On Images | ||
Visual Language: On Objects | ||
Visual Language: On Time and Space | ||
ARTV 15000 | Art Practice and Theory | 100 |
ARTV 29600 | Junior Seminar | 100 |
ARTV 29850 | Senior Seminar | 100 |
ARTV 29900 | Senior Project | 100 |
5 studio art courses numbered 20000 and above | 500 | |
3 Electives relevant to the major | 300 | |
Total Units | 1300 |
* | Students majoring in visual arts cannot use an ARTV course to meet the general education requirement in the dramatic, music, and visual arts. |
The Department of Visual Arts encourages its students either to focus their major in the studio or to construct interdisciplinary major programs combining studio and nonstudio courses that focus on a particular theme. The following examples are not prescriptive, only suggestive:
Students majoring in visual arts must receive quality grades for the thirteen courses that constitute the major. With consent of their College adviser and the instructor, nonmajors may take visual arts courses for P/F grades if the courses are not used to meet a general education requirement.
Visual arts majors may apply for the honors track at the end of their third year. Places in the honors track are limited. Applicants will be reviewed by a faculty committee at the end of their third year, and honors track decisions will be announced before the start of the Autumn Quarter of fourth year. In addition to the degree requirements outlined above, honors track students work in consultation with the Director of Undergraduate Studies and the visual arts faculty to mount a thesis exhibition at the end of their senior year. Honors track students may also be awarded shared studio space during the senior year, based on merit and need, and contingent upon space being available. Students must have a portfolio of exceptional quality to be recommended for honors; visual arts faculty make final honors decisions at the end of the student’s fourth year, based on performance in visual arts courses, the quality of participation in critiques, and the thesis exhibition.
The minor in visual arts requires six courses: two are the 10000-level sequence (ARTV 10100 Visual Language: On Images, ARTV 10200 Visual Language: On Objects, or ARTV 10300 Visual Language: On Time and Space; and ARTV 15000 Art Practice and Theory) and four are drawn from visual arts studio courses chosen in consultation with the Director of Undergraduate Studies. (NOTE: Students minoring in visual arts cannot use an ARTV course to meet the general education requirement in the dramatic, musical, and visual arts.)
Students who elect the minor program in visual arts must meet with the Director of Undergraduate Studies before the end of Spring Quarter of their third year to declare their intention to complete the minor. Students choose courses in consultation with the Director of Undergraduate Studies. The Director's approval for the minor program should be submitted to a student's College adviser by the deadline above on a form obtained from the adviser.
Courses in the minor (1) may not be double counted with the student's major(s) or with other minors; and (2) may not be counted toward general education requirements. Courses in the minor must be taken for quality grades, and more than half of the requirements for the minor must be met by registering for courses bearing University of Chicago course numbers.
The following group of courses would comprise a minor in visual arts:
General Education | ||
Introductory art history, drama, or music course * | 100 | |
Total Units | 100 |
One of the following: | 100 | |
Visual Language: On Images | ||
Visual Language: On Objects | ||
Visual Language: On Time and Space | ||
ARTV 15000 | Art Practice and Theory | 100 |
4 studio art courses numbered 20000 and above | 400 | |
Total Units | 600 |
* | Students minoring in visual arts cannot use an ARTV course to meet the general education requirement in the dramatic, music, and visual arts. |
Students must attend the first and second classes to confirm enrollment. No exceptions will be made unless the student notifies the instructor before the first class.
ARTV 10100. Visual Language: On Images. 100 Units.
Through studio work and critical discussions on 2D form, this course is designed to reveal the conventions of images and image-making. Basic formal elements and principles of art are presented, but they are also put into practice to reveal perennial issues in a visual field. Form is studied as a means to communicate content. Topics as varied as, but not limited to, illusion, analogy, metaphor, time and memory, nature and culture, abstraction, the role of the author, and universal systems can be illuminated through these primary investigations. Visits to museums and other fieldwork required, as is participation in studio exercises and group critiques.
Terms Offered: Autumn, Winter, Spring
Note(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, and 10300 may be taken in sequence or individually. This course meets the general education requirement in the dramatic, musical, and visual arts. Previous experience in media-based studio courses not accepted as a substitute for this course.
Equivalent Course(s): TAPS 28444
ARTV 10200. Visual Language: On Objects. 100 Units.
Through studio work and critical discussions on 3D form, this course is intended to reveal the conventions of sculpture while investigating its modes of production. Basic formal elements and principles of art are presented, but also put into practice to reveal perennial issues in a visual field. Form is studied as a means to communicate content. Topics as varied as, but not limited to, platonic form, analogy, metaphor, verisimilitude, abstraction, nature and culture, and the body politic can be illuminated through these primary investigations. Visits to museums and other fieldwork required, as is participation in studio exercises and group critiques.
Terms Offered: Autumn, Winter, Spring
Note(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, and 10300 may be taken in sequence or individually. This course meets the general education requirement in the dramatic, musical, and visual arts. Previous experience in media-based studio courses not accepted as a substitute for this course.
Equivalent Course(s): TAPS 28445
ARTV 10300. Visual Language: On Time and Space. 100 Units.
Through studio work and critical discussion on four-dimensional form, this course is designed to reveal the conventions of the moving image, performance, and/or the production of digital-based media. Basic formal elements and principles of art are presented, but also put into practice to reveal perennial issues in a visual field. Form is studied as a means to communicate content. Topics as varied as but not limited to narrative, mechanical reproduction, verisimilitude, historical tableaux, time and memory, the body politic, and the role of the author can be illuminated through these primary investigations. Some sections focus solely on performance; others incorporate moving image technology. Please check the time schedule for details. Visits to museums and other fieldwork required, as is participation in studio exercises and group critiques.
Terms Offered: Autumn, Winter, Spring
Note(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, and 10300 may be taken in sequence or individually. This course meets the general education requirement in the dramatic, musical, and visual arts. Previous experience in media-based studio courses not accepted as a substitute for this course.
Equivalent Course(s): CMST 10300,TAPS 23400
ARTV 15000. Art Practice and Theory. 100 Units.
This course examines the place of artistic practice in contemporary culture and the rhetoric of images. Emphasis is placed on the visual arts, examining discourses such as the assignment of value to works, the formation of taste, the relationship between individual production and institutional practices, the role of authorship (intentionality) in the construction of meaning, the gate-keeping functions of curatorial and critical practice, the function and maintenance of categorical distinctions constituting "otherness" (high/low, naive, primitive, outside), the relationship between truth and authenticity, and the uses of art (e.g., transcendence, decoration, activism, therapy, play). Visits to museums, galleries, and other cultural and commercial sites required, as is attendance at designated events.
Terms Offered: Winter
Note(s): It is recommended that students who are majoring in visual arts enroll in this required course before their fourth year. Open to nonmajors with consent of instructor. This course does not meet the general education requirement in the dramatic, musical, and visual arts.
ARTV 21001. Figure Drawing: Trans/Figuration. 100 Units.
Figure drawing is an experience that engages us visually, physically, emotionally, and psychologically. This many-faceted relationship is examined through the use of a variety of traditional and experimental materials, set-ups, and drawing methods. Assignments and class critiques investigate different models of stylistic invention, ranging from realism to comic expression. This studio class includes readings, field trips, and class projects that address the human form as source for developing your own visual responses to related issues—such as identity, narrative, and social critique.
Instructor(s): K. Desjardins Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 31001
ARTV 21700. Drawing as Process. 100 Units.
Drawing is often understood as a means to an end. The drawing, since the early Renaissance, has stood as an iconic representation for how thinking works: in preparation lines are forged to flesh out form, strike propositions, or experiment in possibilities. What this has come to mean historically is that drawing is a stage looking to an inevitable greater focus in another media. Drawings will lead to final paintings, sculptures, or moving images. But, sometimes too, drawings believe in themselves to be their own economy, to be succinct and to be in their own right a finished statement. Sometimes a drawing is the only way a set of criteria can be made clear. In this course, we will analyze the nature of drawing’s history and embrace the notion of process as a questionable thing. If drawing is a form of vitality, then why not consider it as an end? Through exercises and problems posed, drawing will be a process of understanding and a making known, while at once being a venture into a seeing through, to drawing, its primordial function, and the making of a finite work as a statement in itself.
Instructor(s): D. Schutter Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 31700
ARTV 22000-22002. Introduction to Painting I-II.
This studio course introduces students to the fundamental elements of painting (its language and methodologies) as they learn how to initiate and develop an individualized investigation into subject matter and meaning. This course emphasizes group critiques and discussion. Courses taught concurrently.
ARTV 22000. Introduction to Painting I. 100 Units.
Instructor(s): K. Desjardins Terms Offered: Autumn, Winter
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 32200
ARTV 22002. Introduction to Painting II. 100 Units.
Instructor(s): K. Desjardins Terms Offered: Autumn, Winter
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 32202
ARTV 22200. Introduction to Sculpture. 100 Units.
This course introduces the fundamentals of sculptural practice. Building on the historical, aesthetic, and technical strategies of making and thinking about sculpture, students are directed toward the realization of 3D objects. Assignments are intended to explore materials and process so as to facilitate students' development of an idea to a completed object. Discussions and gallery visits help engender an understanding of sculpture within a societal and historical context. Visits to galleries required.
Instructor(s): G. Oppenheimer Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 32000,TAPS 28448
ARTV 22300. Sculpture. 100 Units.
This course is a continuation of ARTV 22200 and deepens the student's understanding of the interlocking relations between material, meaning, and culture. As an art form that engages with the same space as the viewer, this class takes up as challenges the eternal sculptural problems of presence, material/cultural value, and embodiment. A specific focus of this class is the relationship between the art object and the cultural environment it is situated in. Context and presentation strategies for art making within and outside of the traditional gallery context are emphasized. Slide presentations, gallery visits, and critical discussion supplement studio work time. Field trips required.
Instructor(s): G. Oppenheimer Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300 required; ARTV 22200 and/or ARTV 24550 recommended
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 32300,TAPS 28449
ARTV 22305. Performing Tableware. 100 Units.
Performing Tableware takes the actions and objects of the table as a site of research. Through demonstrations, readings and production, tableware will be considered in the context of contemporary practices in design, sculpture, installation, and performance. Materially rooted in ceramics, this course gives students the opportunity to highlight, interrupt or subvert the patterns associated with sitting around table. Student will engage in the full range of ceramic processes in this course. Developing projects through a process of questioning behavior and the intimate functions of objects of the table, students will extend and challenge their material knowledge. The class will provide workshops on techniques grounded in the traditions of tableware including china painting, glaze decals, and demonstrations on mold-making for slipcasting multiple objects.
Instructor(s): A. Ginsburg Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 32305
ARTV 22500. Digital Imaging. 100 Units.
This studio course introduces fundamental tools and concepts used in the production of computer-mediated artwork. Instruction includes a survey of standard digital imaging software and hardware (i.e., Photoshop, scanners, storage, printing, etc), as well as exposure to more sophisticated methods. We also view and discuss the historical precedents and current practice of media art. Using input and output hardware, students complete conceptually driven projects emphasizing personal direction while gaining core digital knowledge.
Instructor(s): J. Salavon Terms Offered: Winter, Spring
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 32500,CMST 28801,CMST 38801
ARTV 22502. Data and Algorithm in Art. 100 Units.
An introduction to the use of data sources and algorithmic methods in visual art, this course explores the aesthetic and theoretical possibilities of computational art-making. Focusing on the diverse and ever expanding global data-feed, we will craft custom software processes to create works investigating the visual transformation of information. Additionally, software programming may be deployed independently, without a connection to source material. While placing an emphasis on creating new work, we will also survey the history of this type of art practice.
Instructor(s): J. Salavon Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Note(s): No prior experience with programming is necessary.
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 32502
ARTV 23800. Introduction to Video. 100 Units.
This course is an introduction to video making with digital cameras and nonlinear (digital) editing. Students produce a group of short works, which is contextualized by viewing and discussion of historical and contemporary video works. Video versus film, editing strategies, and appropriation are some of the subjects that are part of an ongoing conversation.
Instructor(s): S. Wolniak Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 33800,CMST 28900,CMST 38900,TAPS 28427
ARTV 23850. Introduction to Film Production. 100 Units.
This intensive lab introduces 16mm film production, experimenting with various film stocks and basic lighting designs. The class is organized around a series of production situations with students working in crews. Each crew learns to operate and maintain the 16mm Bolex film camera and tripod, as well as Arri lights, gels, diffusion, and grip equipment. The final project is an in-camera edit.
Instructor(s): J. Hoffman Terms Offered: Autumn
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 33850,CMST 28920,CMST 38920,TAPS 28451
ARTV 23900. Drawing. 100 Units.
This intensive multilevel studio course is dedicated to investigations of genre, technique and format in relation to subject matter and individual expression. Guided and self-directed experiments are used to develop visual work within conceptual and thematic frameworks. Art historical examples and contemporary strategies in 2-dimensional art are presented as models. Students are expected to produce a body of work consisting of studies, sketches and finished projects in a range of scales and materials. Classes are dedicated to studio work, lectures, critiques and field trips.
Instructor(s): S. Wolniak Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 33900
ARTV 23904. Senior Creative Thesis Workshop. 100 Units.
This seminar will focus on how to craft a creative thesis in film or video. Works-in-progress will be screened each week, and technical and structural issues relating to the work will be explored. The workshop will also develop the written portion of the creative thesis. The class is limited to seniors from CMS and DOVA, and MAPH students working on a creative thesis.
Instructor(s): J. Hoffman Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): CMST 23930; CMST 23931; departmental approval of senior creative thesis project.
Equivalent Course(s): CMST 23904,ARTV 33904
ARTV 23905. Creative Thesis Workshop. 100 Units.
This seminar will focus on how to craft a creative thesis in film or video. Works-in-progress will be screened each week, and technical and structural issues relating to the work will be explored. The workshop will also develop the written portion of the creative thesis. The class is limited to seniors from CMS and DOVA, and MAPH students working on a creative thesis.
Instructor(s): Judy Hoffman Terms Offered: Autumn, Winter
Prerequisite(s): CMST 23930; CMST 23931 or 27600; departmental approval of senior creative thesis project.
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 33905,CMST 33905
ARTV 23930. Documentary Production I. 100 Units.
This class is intended to develop skills in documentary production so that students may apply for Documentary Production II. Documentary Production I focuses on the making of independent documentary video. Examples of various styles of documentary will be screened and discussed. Issues embedded in the documentary genre, such as the ethics and politics of representation and the shifting lines between fact and fiction will be explored. Pre-production methodologies, production, and post-production techniques will be taught. Students will be expected to develop an idea for a documentary video, crews will be formed, and each crew will produce a five-minute documentary. Students will also be expected to purchase an external hard drive.
Instructor(s): J. Hoffman Terms Offered: Autumn
Note(s): Prior or concurrent enrollment in CMST 10100 recommended
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 33930,CMST 23930,CMST 33930,HMRT 25106,HMRT 35106
ARTV 23931. Documentary Production II. 100 Units.
This course focuses on the shaping and crafting of a nonfiction video. Students are expected to write a treatment detailing their project. Production techniques focus on the handheld camera versus tripod, interviewing and microphone placement, and lighting for the interview. Postproduction covers finishing techniques. Students then screen final projects in a public space.
Instructor(s): J. Hoffman Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): CMST 23930, HMRT 25106,or ARTV 23930
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 33931,CMST 23931,CMST 33931,HMRT 25107,HMRT 35107
ARTV 24000. Introduction to Black and White Film Photography. 100 Units.
Photography is a familiar medium due to its ubiquitous presence in our visual world, including popular culture and personal usage. In this class, students learn technical procedures and basic skills related to the 35mm camera, black and white film, and print development. They also begin to establish criteria for artistic expression. We investigate photography in relation to its historical and social context in order to more consciously engage the photograph's communicative and expressive possibilities. Course work culminates in a portfolio of works exemplary of the student's understanding of the medium. Field trips required.
Terms Offered: Autumn, Winter
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Note(s): Camera and light meter required.
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 34000,CMST 27600,CMST 37600
ARTV 24201. Collage. 100 Units.
This studio course explores collage as a means for developing content and examining complex cultural and material relationships. Projects and assigned texts outline the history of collage as a dynamic art form with a strong political dimension, as well as critically addressing how it is being used today.
Instructor(s): S. Wolniak Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 34201
ARTV 24202. Art and Everyday Materials. 100 Units.
This course introduces students to the practice of employing non-traditional materials to make 2D and 3D objects. Drawing on the long history of artists who have employed everything from ephemeral to edible materials alongside more traditional media, students will engage the varied techniques and processes of using found objects to make artwork. Assignments are intended to consider every facet of artistic creation, from selection and transformation of materials to the presentation of a completed work. Discussions, readings and required museum visits will reflect on the nature of art and its relationship to life.
Instructor(s): K. Pandian Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 34202
ARTV 24210. Multi-media Studio: The Aleatoric. 100 Units.
ale·a·tor·ic: adj \ˌā-lē-ə-ˈtȯr-ik: characterized by chance or indeterminate elements. This studio course addresses how artists throughout time and across cultures have embraced chance and “randomness” as an integral part of the creative process. Through a series of studio projects, you will be challenged to explore how “official” Western aesthetic canons of taste (such as artistic skill, control, and “genius”) were brought into question through chance and aleatoric strategies, particularly during the 20th century. This opened doors to experimentation with unorthodox methodologies, exploration of the unconscious, re-consideration of so-called “outsider” art—and more. Readings, discussions, and field trips put these practices into cultural and theoretical context. Although this course employs drawing-based tools for developing ideas, you will be afforded ample room to expand beyond 2D --in to sculpture, video, installation, photography, performance and/or hybrids forms—in order to realize a clear and contemporary response to our theme as a final project.
Instructor(s): K. Desjardins Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Note(s): All media and levels welcome.
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 34210
ARTV 24301. Writing for Performance. 100 Units.
This course is an exploration of select texts for performance written by performance artists primarily but not entirely operating within the context of art. Via historical context and literary technique, students read, discuss, and analyze texts by various authors spanning the history of performance art: Hugo Ball, John Cage, Richard Foreman, Carolee Schneeman, Joseph Bueys, Karen Finley, Nature Theater of Oklahoma, John Leguizamo, and create and perform their own writing. Field trips and attendance at first class are required.
Instructor(s): W. Pope.L Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 34301,TAPS 28414
ARTV 24401-24402. Photography I-II.
The goal of this course is to develop students’ investigations and explorations in photography, building on beginning level experience and basic facility with this medium. Students pursue a line of artistic inquiry by participating in a process that involves experimentation, reading, gallery visits, critiques, and discussions, but mostly by producing images. Primary emphasis is placed upon the visual articulation of the ideas of students through their work, as well as the verbal expression of their ideas in class discussions, critiques, and artist’s statements. As a vital component of articulating ideas and inquiry, students will refine their skills, e.g., black and white or color printing, medium or large format camera usage, or experimenting with light-sensitive materials. Courses taught concurrently and can be repeated as part of an ongoing, developing photographic project.
ARTV 24401. Photography I. 100 Units.
Instructor(s): S. Huffman Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300; and 24000.
Note(s): Camera and light meter required. Courses taught concurrently and can be repeated as part of an ongoing, developing photographic project.
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 34401,CMST 27602,CMST 37602
ARTV 24402. Photography II. 100 Units.
Instructor(s): S. Huffman Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300; and 24000.
Note(s): Camera and light meter required. Courses taught concurrently and can be repeated as part of an ongoing, developing photographic project.
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 34402,CMST 27702,CMST 37702
ARTV 24550. Shopcraft: Methods and Materials. 100 Units.
Designed as a complementary course to the DOVA sculpture sequence, Shopcraft explores the tools and techniques available to students in the wood shop. Topics covered include shop safety; the properties of woods; the planning and material selection process for sculpture, furniture, and other woodworking applications; the care and use of hand tools; and interpreting and creating scale drawings and conceptual plans. A series of small projects designed to challenge and expand students' design, drafting, and woodworking skills are assigned. In addition, students are invited to incorporate projects from sculpture classes or their individual studio practice into the course.
Instructor(s): D. Wolf Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 34550,TAPS 27900
ARTV 24800. Foucault and The History of Sexuality. 100 Units.
This course centers on a close reading of the first volume of Michel Foucault's The History of Sexuality, with some attention to his writings on the history of ancient conceptualizations of sex. How should a history of sexuality take into account scientific theories, social relations of power, and different experiences of the self? We discuss the contrasting descriptions and conceptions of sexual behavior before and after the emergence of a science of sexuality. Other writers influenced by and critical of Foucault are also discussed.
Instructor(s): A. Davidson Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): Prior philosophy course or consent of instructor
ARTV 25100. Nonfiction Film: Representations and Performance. 100 Units.
This course attempts to define nonfiction cinema by looking at the history of its major modes (e.g., documentary, essay, ethnographic, agitprop film), as well as personal/autobiographical and experimental works that are less easily classifiable. We explore some of the theoretical discourses that surround this most philosophical of film genres (e.g., ethics and politics of representation; shifting lines between fact and fiction, truth and reality). The relationship between the documentary and the state is examined in light of the genre's tendency to inform and instruct. We consider the tensions of filmmaking and the performative aspects in front of the lens, as well as the performance of the camera itself. Finally, we look at the ways in which distribution and television effect the production and content of nonfiction film.
Instructor(s): J. Hoffman
Equivalent Course(s): CMST 28200,ARTV 35100,CMST 38200,HMRT 25101,HMRT 35101
ARTV 25201. Cinema and the First Avant-Garde, 1890-1933. 100 Units.
Equivalent Course(s): CMST 25201,ARTH 25205,CMST 45201
ARTV 25300. Introduction to Film Analysis. 100 Units.
This course introduces basic concepts of film analysis, which are discussed through examples from different national cinemas, genres, and directorial oeuvres. Along with questions of film technique and style, we consider the notion of the cinema as an institution that comprises an industrial system of production, social and aesthetic norms and codes, and particular modes of reception. Films discussed include works by Hitchcock, Porter, Griffith, Eisenstein, Lang, Renoir, Sternberg, and Welles.
Terms Offered: Autumn, Spring
Note(s): Required of students majoring in Cinema and Media Studies
Equivalent Course(s): CMST 10100,ARTH 20000,ENGL 10800
ARTV 25400. Theories of Media. 100 Units.
For course description contact English.
Equivalent Course(s): ENGL 12800,AMER 30800,ARTH 25900,ARTH 35900,CMST 27800,CMST 37800,ENGL 32800
ARTV 25401. Transmedia Game. 100 Units.
This experimental course explores the emerging game genre of “transmedia” or “alternate reality” gaming. Transmedia games use the real world as their platform while incorporating text, video, audio, social media, websites, and other forms. We will approach new media theory through the history, aesthetics, and design of transmedia games. Course requirements include weekly blog entry responses to theoretical readings; an analytical midterm paper; and collaborative participation in a single narrative-based transmedia game project. No preexisting technical expertise is required but a background in any of the following areas will help: creative writing, literary or media theory, web design, visual art, computer programming, performance, and game design.
Instructor(s): P. Jagoda Terms Offered: Autumn
Equivalent Course(s): ENGL 25953,CMST 25953,CMST 35953,CRWR 26003,CRWR 46003,ENGL 32311,TAPS 28455
ARTV 25412. The Interaction of Light and Matter: Art and Science. 100 Units.
Co-taught by a physicist and an architect/designer, this experimental course exploresthe relationship between light and matter with a special focus upon low-level light. Topics include: light phenomena as they are perceived within various environments as well as the physiological and cultural impact of light. Instructors: Sidney Nagel, Stein-Freiler Distinguished Service Professor, Department of Physics, and Visiting Architect/Designer Jamie Carpenter of James Carpenter Design Associates, Inc. (http://www.jcdainc.com/). This course is sponsored by the Gray Center for Arts and Inquiry and the Mellon Residential Fellowship for Arts Practice and Scholarship Program, which is supporting a long-tem experimental collaboration between Nagel and Carpenter.
Instructor(s): J. Carpenter, S. Nagel Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): Open to PhD, MFA, MA, and advanced undergraduate students from a wide variety of fields by consent only. For permission, please send a paragraph describing your background and interest in the course to lbdanzig@uchicago.edu
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 35412
ARTV 26000. Introduction to Stage Design. 100 Units.
This course explores the application of the visual and aural arts to the varied forms of design for the stage (i.e., scenic, lighting, costume, sound). We pay particular attention to the development of a cogent and well-reasoned analysis of text and an articulate use of the elements of design through a set of guided practical projects.
Instructor(s): T. Burch Terms Offered: Autumn
Note(s): Lab fee required. This course is offered in alternate years.
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 36300
ARTV 26214. Working From Life. 100 Units.
This class is an multidisciplinary intensive into the ways in which artistic production is dependent on and part of larger cultural tropes. Utilizing contemporary culture as a framework, how does art form connective tissues with the worlds that happen outside of the artists studio? Visual art is a communicative form that requires subject matter and this class will investigate the myriad of ways that artists mine culturally meaningful materials, forms, and images as both subjects and as palette. Participation in several field trips and out-of-class film screenings is required. Reference materials are drawn from a variety of disciplines.
Instructor(s): G. Oppenheimer Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 36214
ARTV 26216. Comedy Central. 100 Units.
Comedy is a serious subject and art is no laughing matter, but levity displays a type of intellegence that is both profound and nimble and must be met on it's own terms. Toward that end, this interdisciplinary seminar will investigate: the various modes through which comedy infects contemporary art, questions of form in the art of comedy, performative objects, the object of comedic performance, and the seriousness of play. A number of guest speakers from various backgrounds will lecture, lead discussions, and projects. Assignments include weekly readings, performative actions, and two short writing assignments, one on a key thinker on the subject of the comedic, the other a creative writing assignment. A final project of your choice can be a traditional research paper (10–12 pages) or a creative project with your choice of medium. Readings include selections from Friedrich Schiller's "Letters upon the Æsthetic Education of Man," Henri Bergson's "Laughter," Sigmund Freud's "Joke and Its Relation to the Unconscious," Lewis Hyde's "Trickster Makes This World," David Robbin's "Concrete Comedy," and others. Note this is not a studio class, and while we will conduct a number of exercises in class, participants are expected to be working on thier individual projects outside of class throughout the term in consultation with the instructor via office hours. Prior experience working with video is useful. An exhibition from the seminar in the form of a YouTube channel will go live at the end of the seminar. Comedy Central is produced in collaboration with the Open Practice Committee.
Instructor(s): Z. Cahill Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Note(s): Field trips and screenings are required.
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 36216
ARTV 26500-26600. History of International Cinema I-II.
This sequence is required of students majoring in Cinema and Media Studies. Taking these courses in sequence is strongly recommended but not required.
ARTV 26500. History of International Cinema I: Silent Era. 100 Units.
This course introduces what was singular about the art and craft of silent film. Its general outline is chronological. We also discuss main national schools and international trends of filmmaking.
Instructor(s): J. Lastra Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): Prior or concurrent enrollment in CMST 10100. Required of students majoring in Cinema and Media Studies.
Note(s): This is the first part of a two-quarter course.
Equivalent Course(s): CMST 28500,ARTH 28500,ARTH 38500,ARTV 36500,CMLT 22400,CMLT 32400,CMST 48500,ENGL 29300,ENGL 48700,MAPH 36000
ARTV 26600. History of International Cinema II: Sound Era to 1960. 100 Units.
The center of this course is film style, from the classical scene breakdown to the introduction of deep focus, stylistic experimentation, and technical innovation (sound, wide screen, location shooting). The development of a film culture is also discussed. Texts include Thompson and Bordwell's Film History: An Introduction; and works by Bazin, Belton, Sitney, and Godard. Screenings include films by Hitchcock, Welles, Rossellini, Bresson, Ozu, Antonioni, and Renoir.
Instructor(s): Y. Tsivian Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): Prior or concurrent registration in CMST 10100 required. Required of students majoring in Cinema and Media Studies.
Note(s): CMST 28500/48500 strongly recommended
Equivalent Course(s): ARTH 28600,ARTH 38600,CMLT 22500,CMLT 32500,CMST 28600,CMST 48600,ENGL 29600,ENGL 48900,MAPH 33700
ARTV 26750. Chicago Film History. 100 Units.
Students in this course screen and discuss films to consider whether there is a Chicago style of filmmaking. We trace how the city informs documentary, educational, industrial, narrative feature, and avant-garde films. If there is a Chicago style of filmmaking, one must look at the landscape of the city; and the design, politics, cultures, and labor of its people, as well as how they live their lives. The protagonists and villains in these films are the politicians and community organizers, our locations are the neighborhoods, and the set designers are Mies van der Rohe and the Chicago Housing Authority.
Instructor(s): J. Hoffman
Equivalent Course(s): CMST 21801,ARTV 36750,CMST 31801,HMRT 25104,HMRT 35104
ARTV 27200. Painting. 100 Units.
Presuming fundamental considerations, this studio course emphasizes the purposeful and sustained development of a student's visual investigation through painting, accentuating both invention and clarity of image. Requirements include group critiques and discussion.
Instructor(s): K. Desjardins, D. Schutter Terms Offered: Winter, Spring
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300; and 22000 or 22002
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 37200
ARTV 27910. Drawing After 1953. 100 Units.
For course description contact Art History.
Equivalent Course(s): ARTH 27610,ARTH 37610,ARTV 37910
ARTV 28204. Political Documentary Film. 100 Units.
This course explores the political documentary film, its intersection with historical and cultural events, and its opposition to Hollywood and traditional media. We will examine various documentary modes of production, from films with a social message, to advocacy and activist film, to counter-media and agit-prop. We will also consider the relationship between the filmmaker, film subject and audience, and how political documentaries are disseminated and, most importantly, part of political struggle.
Instructor(s): J. Hoffman
Equivalent Course(s): CMST 28201,ARTV 38204,CMST 38201
ARTV 29600. Junior Seminar. 100 Units.
This seminar prepares students who are majoring in visual arts for their senior project. The project is an independent studio project or a combined studio/research project that students begin in the summer preceding their fourth year. Students engage in two main activities: (1) a series of studio projects challenging the imagination and enlarging formal skills; and (2) an introduction to the contemporary art world through selected readings, lectures, careful analysis of art objects/events, and critical writing. Studio skills are developed while contending with the central task of articulating ideas through a resistant medium. Visits to museums, galleries, and other cultural and commercial sites required, as is attendance at designated events.
Instructor(s): S. Wolniak Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): Open to nonmajors with consent of Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Note(s): It is recommended that students who are majoring in visual arts enroll in this required course in Spring Quarter of their third year
ARTV 29700. Independent Study in Visual Arts. 100 Units.
Students in this reading course should have already done fundamental course work and be ready to explore a particular area of interest much more closely.
Terms Offered: Autumn, Winter, Spring
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300 and consent of instructor
Note(s): Students are required to submit the College Reading and Research Course Form.
ARTV 29850. Senior Seminar. 100 Units.
This is a critique-based course utilizing group discussion and individual guidance in the service of advancing the senior project for students who are majoring in visual arts. Emphasis is placed on the continued development of student's artistic production that began in the preceding Junior Seminar, and continued throughout the intervening summer. Readings and written responses required. In addition to studio work, visits to museums and galleries required.
Instructor(s): S. Wolniak Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): Consent of Director of Undergraduate Studies
Note(s): Required of students who are majoring in visual arts
ARTV 29900. Senior Project. 100 Units.
This course provides an opportunity for students to engage in a sustained and intense development of their art practice in biweekly critiques throughout the Winter and Spring Quarters.
Terms Offered: Winter, Spring
Prerequisite(s): Consent of Director of Undergraduate Studies
Note(s): Required of students who are majoring in visual arts. Students are required to submit the College Reading and Research Course Form.
ARTV 31001. Figure Drawing: Trans/Figuration. 100 Units.
Figure drawing is an experience that engages us visually, physically, emotionally, and psychologically. This many-faceted relationship is examined through the use of a variety of traditional and experimental materials, set-ups, and drawing methods. Assignments and class critiques investigate different models of stylistic invention, ranging from realism to comic expression. This studio class includes readings, field trips, and class projects that address the human form as source for developing your own visual responses to related issues—such as identity, narrative, and social critique.
Instructor(s): K. Desjardins Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 21001
ARTV 31700. Drawing as Process. 100 Units.
Drawing is often understood as a means to an end. The drawing, since the early Renaissance, has stood as an iconic representation for how thinking works: in preparation lines are forged to flesh out form, strike propositions, or experiment in possibilities. What this has come to mean historically is that drawing is a stage looking to an inevitable greater focus in another media. Drawings will lead to final paintings, sculptures, or moving images. But, sometimes too, drawings believe in themselves to be their own economy, to be succinct and to be in their own right a finished statement. Sometimes a drawing is the only way a set of criteria can be made clear. In this course, we will analyze the nature of drawing’s history and embrace the notion of process as a questionable thing. If drawing is a form of vitality, then why not consider it as an end? Through exercises and problems posed, drawing will be a process of understanding and a making known, while at once being a venture into a seeing through, to drawing, its primordial function, and the making of a finite work as a statement in itself.
Instructor(s): D. Schutter Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 21700
ARTV 32000. Introduction to Sculpture. 100 Units.
This course introduces the fundamentals of sculptural practice. Building on the historical, aesthetic, and technical strategies of making and thinking about sculpture, students are directed toward the realization of 3D objects. Assignments are intended to explore materials and process so as to facilitate students' development of an idea to a completed object. Discussions and gallery visits help engender an understanding of sculpture within a societal and historical context. Visits to galleries required.
Instructor(s): G. Oppenheimer Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 22200,TAPS 28448
ARTV 32200-32202. Introduction to Painting I-II.
This studio course introduces students to the fundamental elements of painting (its language and methodologies) as they learn how to initiate and develop an individualized investigation into subject matter and meaning. This course emphasizes group critiques and discussion. Courses taught concurrently.
ARTV 32200. Introduction to Painting I. 100 Units.
Instructor(s): K. Desjardins Terms Offered: Autumn, Winter
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 22000
ARTV 32202. Introduction to Painting II. 100 Units.
Instructor(s): K. Desjardins Terms Offered: Autumn, Winter
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 22002
ARTV 32300. Sculpture. 100 Units.
This course is a continuation of ARTV 22200 and deepens the student's understanding of the interlocking relations between material, meaning, and culture. As an art form that engages with the same space as the viewer, this class takes up as challenges the eternal sculptural problems of presence, material/cultural value, and embodiment. A specific focus of this class is the relationship between the art object and the cultural environment it is situated in. Context and presentation strategies for art making within and outside of the traditional gallery context are emphasized. Slide presentations, gallery visits, and critical discussion supplement studio work time. Field trips required.
Instructor(s): G. Oppenheimer Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300 required; ARTV 22200 and/or ARTV 24550 recommended
Equivalent Course(s): TAPS 28449,ARTV 22300
ARTV 32305. Performing Tableware. 100 Units.
Performing Tableware takes the actions and objects of the table as a site of research. Through demonstrations, readings and production, tableware will be considered in the context of contemporary practices in design, sculpture, installation, and performance. Materially rooted in ceramics, this course gives students the opportunity to highlight, interrupt or subvert the patterns associated with sitting around table. Student will engage in the full range of ceramic processes in this course. Developing projects through a process of questioning behavior and the intimate functions of objects of the table, students will extend and challenge their material knowledge. The class will provide workshops on techniques grounded in the traditions of tableware including china painting, glaze decals, and demonstrations on mold-making for slipcasting multiple objects.
Instructor(s): A. Ginsburg Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 22305
ARTV 32500. Digital Imaging. 100 Units.
This studio course introduces fundamental tools and concepts used in the production of computer-mediated artwork. Instruction includes a survey of standard digital imaging software and hardware (i.e., Photoshop, scanners, storage, printing, etc), as well as exposure to more sophisticated methods. We also view and discuss the historical precedents and current practice of media art. Using input and output hardware, students complete conceptually driven projects emphasizing personal direction while gaining core digital knowledge.
Instructor(s): J. Salavon Terms Offered: Winter, Spring
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 22500,CMST 28801,CMST 38801
ARTV 32502. Data and Algorithm in Art. 100 Units.
An introduction to the use of data sources and algorithmic methods in visual art, this course explores the aesthetic and theoretical possibilities of computational art-making. Focusing on the diverse and ever expanding global data-feed, we will craft custom software processes to create works investigating the visual transformation of information. Additionally, software programming may be deployed independently, without a connection to source material. While placing an emphasis on creating new work, we will also survey the history of this type of art practice.
Instructor(s): J. Salavon Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Note(s): No prior experience with programming is necessary.
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 22502
ARTV 33800. Introduction to Video. 100 Units.
This course is an introduction to video making with digital cameras and nonlinear (digital) editing. Students produce a group of short works, which is contextualized by viewing and discussion of historical and contemporary video works. Video versus film, editing strategies, and appropriation are some of the subjects that are part of an ongoing conversation.
Instructor(s): S. Wolniak Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 23800,CMST 28900,CMST 38900,TAPS 28427
ARTV 33850. Introduction to Film Production. 100 Units.
This intensive lab introduces 16mm film production, experimenting with various film stocks and basic lighting designs. The class is organized around a series of production situations with students working in crews. Each crew learns to operate and maintain the 16mm Bolex film camera and tripod, as well as Arri lights, gels, diffusion, and grip equipment. The final project is an in-camera edit.
Instructor(s): J. Hoffman Terms Offered: Autumn
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 23850,CMST 28920,CMST 38920,TAPS 28451
ARTV 33900. Drawing. 100 Units.
This intensive multilevel studio course is dedicated to investigations of genre, technique and format in relation to subject matter and individual expression. Guided and self-directed experiments are used to develop visual work within conceptual and thematic frameworks. Art historical examples and contemporary strategies in 2-dimensional art are presented as models. Students are expected to produce a body of work consisting of studies, sketches and finished projects in a range of scales and materials. Classes are dedicated to studio work, lectures, critiques and field trips.
Instructor(s): S. Wolniak Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 23900
ARTV 33904. Senior Creative Thesis Workshop. 100 Units.
This seminar will focus on how to craft a creative thesis in film or video. Works-in-progress will be screened each week, and technical and structural issues relating to the work will be explored. The workshop will also develop the written portion of the creative thesis. The class is limited to seniors from CMS and DOVA, and MAPH students working on a creative thesis.
Instructor(s): J. Hoffman Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): CMST 23930; CMST 23931; departmental approval of senior creative thesis project.
Equivalent Course(s): CMST 23904,ARTV 23904
ARTV 33905. Creative Thesis Workshop. 100 Units.
This seminar will focus on how to craft a creative thesis in film or video. Works-in-progress will be screened each week, and technical and structural issues relating to the work will be explored. The workshop will also develop the written portion of the creative thesis. The class is limited to seniors from CMS and DOVA, and MAPH students working on a creative thesis.
Instructor(s): Judy Hoffman Terms Offered: Autumn, Winter
Prerequisite(s): CMST 23930; CMST 23931 or 27600; departmental approval of senior creative thesis project.
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 23905,CMST 33905
ARTV 33930. Documentary Production I. 100 Units.
This class is intended to develop skills in documentary production so that students may apply for Documentary Production II. Documentary Production I focuses on the making of independent documentary video. Examples of various styles of documentary will be screened and discussed. Issues embedded in the documentary genre, such as the ethics and politics of representation and the shifting lines between fact and fiction will be explored. Pre-production methodologies, production, and post-production techniques will be taught. Students will be expected to develop an idea for a documentary video, crews will be formed, and each crew will produce a five-minute documentary. Students will also be expected to purchase an external hard drive.
Instructor(s): J. Hoffman Terms Offered: Autumn
Note(s): Prior or concurrent enrollment in CMST 10100 recommended
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 23930,CMST 23930,CMST 33930,HMRT 25106,HMRT 35106
ARTV 33931. Documentary Production II. 100 Units.
This course focuses on the shaping and crafting of a nonfiction video. Students are expected to write a treatment detailing their project. Production techniques focus on the handheld camera versus tripod, interviewing and microphone placement, and lighting for the interview. Postproduction covers editing techniques and distribution strategies. Students then screen final projects in a public space.
Instructor(s): J. Hoffman
Prerequisite(s): CMST 23930/ARTV 23930
Equivalent Course(s): CMST 23931,ARTV 23931,CMST 33931
ARTV 34000. Introduction to Black and White Film Photography. 100 Units.
Photography is a familiar medium due to its ubiquitous presence in our visual world, including popular culture and personal usage. In this class, students learn technical procedures and basic skills related to the 35mm camera, black and white film, and print development. They also begin to establish criteria for artistic expression. We investigate photography in relation to its historical and social context in order to more consciously engage the photograph's communicative and expressive possibilities. Course work culminates in a portfolio of works exemplary of the student's understanding of the medium. Field trips required.
Terms Offered: Autumn, Winter
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Note(s): Camera and light meter required.
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 24000,CMST 27600,CMST 37600
ARTV 34201. Collage. 100 Units.
This studio course explores collage as a means for developing content and examining complex cultural and material relationships. Projects and assigned texts outline the history of collage as a dynamic art form with a strong political dimension, as well as critically addressing how it is being used today.
Instructor(s): S. Wolniak Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 24201
ARTV 34202. Art and Everyday Materials. 100 Units.
This course introduces students to the practice of employing non-traditional materials to make 2D and 3D objects. Drawing on the long history of artists who have employed everything from ephemeral to edible materials alongside more traditional media, students will engage the varied techniques and processes of using found objects to make artwork. Assignments are intended to consider every facet of artistic creation, from selection and transformation of materials to the presentation of a completed work. Discussions, readings and required museum visits will reflect on the nature of art and its relationship to life.
Instructor(s): K. Pandian Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 24202
ARTV 34210. Multi-media Studio: The Aleatoric. 100 Units.
ale·a·tor·ic: adj \ˌā-lē-ə-ˈtȯr-ik: characterized by chance or indeterminate elements. This studio course addresses how artists throughout time and across cultures have embraced chance and “randomness” as an integral part of the creative process. Through a series of studio projects, you will be challenged to explore how “official” Western aesthetic canons of taste (such as artistic skill, control, and “genius”) were brought into question through chance and aleatoric strategies, particularly during the 20th century. This opened doors to experimentation with unorthodox methodologies, exploration of the unconscious, re-consideration of so-called “outsider” art—and more. Readings, discussions, and field trips put these practices into cultural and theoretical context. Although this course employs drawing-based tools for developing ideas, you will be afforded ample room to expand beyond 2D --in to sculpture, video, installation, photography, performance and/or hybrids forms—in order to realize a clear and contemporary response to our theme as a final project.
Instructor(s): K. Desjardins Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Note(s): All media and levels welcome.
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 24210
ARTV 34301. Writing for Performance. 100 Units.
This course is an exploration of select texts for performance written by performance artists primarily but not entirely operating within the context of art. Via historical context and literary technique, students read, discuss, and analyze texts by various authors spanning the history of performance art: Hugo Ball, John Cage, Richard Foreman, Carolee Schneeman, Joseph Bueys, Karen Finley, Nature Theater of Oklahoma, John Leguizamo, and create and perform their own writing. Field trips and attendance at first class are required.
Instructor(s): W. Pope.L Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 24301,TAPS 28414
ARTV 34401-34402. Photography I-II.
The goal of this course is to develop students’ investigations and explorations in photography, building on beginning level experience and basic facility with this medium. Students pursue a line of artistic inquiry by participating in a process that involves experimentation, reading, gallery visits, critiques, and discussions, but mostly by producing images. Primary emphasis is placed upon the visual articulation of the ideas of students through their work, as well as the verbal expression of their ideas in class discussions, critiques, and artist’s statements. As a vital component of articulating ideas and inquiry, students will refine their skills, e.g., black and white or color printing, medium or large format camera usage, or experimenting with light-sensitive materials. Courses taught concurrently and can be repeated as part of an ongoing, developing photographic project.
ARTV 34401. Photography I. 100 Units.
Instructor(s): S. Huffman Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300; and 24000.
Note(s): Camera and light meter required. Courses taught concurrently and can be repeated as part of an ongoing, developing photographic project.
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 24401,CMST 27602,CMST 37602
ARTV 34402. Photography II. 100 Units.
Instructor(s): S. Huffman Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300; and 24000.
Note(s): Camera and light meter required. Courses taught concurrently and can be repeated as part of an ongoing, developing photographic project.
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 24402,CMST 27702,CMST 37702
ARTV 34550. Shopcraft: Methods and Materials. 100 Units.
Designed as a complementary course to the DOVA sculpture sequence, Shopcraft explores the tools and techniques available to students in the wood shop. Topics covered include shop safety; the properties of woods; the planning and material selection process for sculpture, furniture, and other woodworking applications; the care and use of hand tools; and interpreting and creating scale drawings and conceptual plans. A series of small projects designed to challenge and expand students' design, drafting, and woodworking skills are assigned. In addition, students are invited to incorporate projects from sculpture classes or their individual studio practice into the course.
Instructor(s): D. Wolf Terms Offered: Winter
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 24550,TAPS 27900
ARTV 35100. Nonfiction Film: Representations and Performance. 100 Units.
This course attempts to define nonfiction cinema by looking at the history of its major modes (e.g., documentary, essay, ethnographic, agitprop film), as well as personal/autobiographical and experimental works that are less easily classifiable. We explore some of the theoretical discourses that surround this most philosophical of film genres (e.g., ethics and politics of representation; shifting lines between fact and fiction, truth and reality). The relationship between the documentary and the state is examined in light of the genre's tendency to inform and instruct. We consider the tensions of filmmaking and the performative aspects in front of the lens, as well as the performance of the camera itself. Finally, we look at the ways in which distribution and television effect the production and content of nonfiction film.
Instructor(s): J. Hoffman
Equivalent Course(s): CMST 28200,ARTV 25100,CMST 38200,HMRT 25101,HMRT 35101
ARTV 35412. The Interaction of Light and Matter: Art and Science. 100 Units.
Co-taught by a physicist and an architect/designer, this experimental course exploresthe relationship between light and matter with a special focus upon low-level light. Topics include: light phenomena as they are perceived within various environments as well as the physiological and cultural impact of light. Instructors: Sidney Nagel, Stein-Freiler Distinguished Service Professor, Department of Physics, and Visiting Architect/Designer Jamie Carpenter of James Carpenter Design Associates, Inc. (http://www.jcdainc.com/). This course is sponsored by the Gray Center for Arts and Inquiry and the Mellon Residential Fellowship for Arts Practice and Scholarship Program, which is supporting a long-tem experimental collaboration between Nagel and Carpenter.
Instructor(s): J. Carpenter, S. Nagel Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): Open to PhD, MFA, MA, and advanced undergraduate students from a wide variety of fields by consent only. For permission, please send a paragraph describing your background and interest in the course to lbdanzig@uchicago.edu
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 25412
ARTV 36214. Working From Life. 100 Units.
This class is an multidisciplinary intensive into the ways in which artistic production is dependent on and part of larger cultural tropes. Utilizing contemporary culture as a framework, how does art form connective tissues with the worlds that happen outside of the artists studio? Visual art is a communicative form that requires subject matter and this class will investigate the myriad of ways that artists mine culturally meaningful materials, forms, and images as both subjects and as palette. Participation in several field trips and out-of-class film screenings is required. Reference materials are drawn from a variety of disciplines.
Instructor(s): G. Oppenheimer Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 26214
ARTV 36216. Comedy Central. 100 Units.
Comedy is a serious subject and art is no laughing matter, but levity displays a type of intellegence that is both profound and nimble and must be met on it's own terms. Toward that end, this interdisciplinary seminar will investigate: the various modes through which comedy infects contemporary art, questions of form in the art of comedy, performative objects, the object of comedic performance, and the seriousness of play. A number of guest speakers from various backgrounds will lecture, lead discussions, and projects. Assignments include weekly readings, performative actions, and two short writing assignments, one on a key thinker on the subject of the comedic, the other a creative writing assignment. A final project of your choice can be a traditional research paper (10–12 pages) or a creative project with your choice of medium. Readings include selections from Friedrich Schiller's "Letters upon the Æsthetic Education of Man," Henri Bergson's "Laughter," Sigmund Freud's "Joke and Its Relation to the Unconscious," Lewis Hyde's "Trickster Makes This World," David Robbin's "Concrete Comedy," and others. Note this is not a studio class, and while we will conduct a number of exercises in class, participants are expected to be working on thier individual projects outside of class throughout the term in consultation with the instructor via office hours. Prior experience working with video is useful. An exhibition from the seminar in the form of a YouTube channel will go live at the end of the seminar. Comedy Central is produced in collaboration with the Open Practice Committee.
Instructor(s): Z. Cahill Terms Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300
Note(s): Field trips and screenings are required.
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 26216
ARTV 36300. Introduction to Stage Design. 100 Units.
This course explores the application of the visual and aural arts to the varied forms of design for the stage (i.e., scenic, lighting, costume, sound). We pay particular attention to the development of a cogent and well-reasoned analysis of text and an articulate use of the elements of design through a set of guided practical projects.
Instructor(s): T. Burch Terms Offered: Autumn
Note(s): Lab fee required. This course is offered in alternate years.
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 26000
ARTV 36500. History of International Cinema I: Silent Era. 100 Units.
This course introduces what was singular about the art and craft of silent film. Its general outline is chronological. We also discuss main national schools and international trends of filmmaking.
Instructor(s): J. Lastra Terms Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): Prior or concurrent enrollment in CMST 10100. Required of students majoring in Cinema and Media Studies.
Note(s): This is the first part of a two-quarter course.
Equivalent Course(s): CMST 28500,ARTH 28500,ARTH 38500,ARTV 26500,CMLT 22400,CMLT 32400,CMST 48500,ENGL 29300,ENGL 48700,MAPH 36000
ARTV 36750. Chicago Film History. 100 Units.
Students in this course screen and discuss films to consider whether there is a Chicago style of filmmaking. We trace how the city informs documentary, educational, industrial, narrative feature, and avant-garde films. If there is a Chicago style of filmmaking, one must look at the landscape of the city; and the design, politics, cultures, and labor of its people, as well as how they live their lives. The protagonists and villains in these films are the politicians and community organizers, our locations are the neighborhoods, and the set designers are Mies van der Rohe and the Chicago Housing Authority.
Instructor(s): J. Hoffman
Equivalent Course(s): CMST 21801,ARTV 26750,CMST 31801,HMRT 25104,HMRT 35104
ARTV 37200. Painting. 100 Units.
Presuming fundamental considerations, this studio course emphasizes the purposeful and sustained development of a student's visual investigation through painting, accentuating both invention and clarity of image. Requirements include group critiques and discussion.
Instructor(s): K. Desjardins, D. Schutter Terms Offered: Winter, Spring
Prerequisite(s): ARTV 10100, 10200, or 10300; and 22000 or 22002
Equivalent Course(s): ARTV 27200
ARTV 37910. Drawing After 1953. 100 Units.
For course description contact Art History.
Equivalent Course(s): ARTH 27610,ARTH 37610,ARTV 27910
ARTV 38204. Political Documentary Film. 100 Units.
This course explores the political documentary film, its intersection with historical and cultural events, and its opposition to Hollywood and traditional media. We will examine various documentary modes of production, from films with a social message, to advocacy and activist film, to counter-media and agit-prop. We will also consider the relationship between the filmmaker, film subject and audience, and how political documentaries are disseminated and, most importantly, part of political struggle.
Instructor(s): J. Hoffman
Equivalent Course(s): CMST 28201,ARTV 28204,CMST 38201
ARTV 39200. Graduate Seminar: ARTV. 100 Units.
Instructor(s): D. Schutter, W. Pope.L, M. J. Jackson Terms Offered: Autumn, Winter, Spring
ARTV 40000. Graduate Studio Project. var Units.
Terms Offered: Autumn, Winter, Spring
ARTV 55500. Race, Media and Visual Culture. 100 Units.
For course description contact CDIN Center for Disciplinary Innovation.
Equivalent Course(s): CDIN 51300,ARTH 49309,CMLT 51500,CMST 51300,ENGL 51300